Chapter 14

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Jalisa POV

K went to the bathroom. So i took out my phone and tried to call Indy again.

"Hello?" Indy said

"Indy! I been tryna call your ass all day!"

"Oh, wassup boo?"

"Nothing. In the hospital"

"In the what? What happen? You okay?"

"Im fine. Just had an panic attack"

"Oh, i would come see you but im watching Q daughter"

"Its fine. But i gotta go. Ttyl"

I hung up. This may sound selfish but i wanted Indy to come down here. I havent seen my girl in a while because she always busy. I got alot of stuff to talk to her about but she always to fucking busy. Ugh!

My parents walked in the room with Sonic. My little siblings were with Roxxane. Well Lona was still here.

K walked out the bathroom and was ready for me to tell them everything

"Guys, i have to tell you guys something"

"Wassup?" Dad said

"Well, in 7th grade i got ummm.... I got raped by someone who was in the high school at the time"

I looked at everyones faces. My mom looked heartbroken. My dad looked pissed. K already knew but still looked pissed. And Lona looked shocked.

"WHY THE FUCK DIDNT YOU TELL US?! DONT YOU THINK YOU SHOULDVE TOLD YOUR PARENTS YOU GOT RAPED?!" My dad yelled. Idk why but when he said that i got pissed


The look on his face was a look i never seen on his face. He looked sad, heartbroken, shocked, and pissed. His eyes watered but he took them back. He threw me the bag of food then grabbed Lona and walked out of the room.

"Lisa, why would you say that to him?" My mom asked gently

"Idk. I just got mad when he yelled and said that. I dont need to be yelled at when im telling you something serious"

"Lisa, im very disappointed in you" My mom said before throwing away her trash

"Cmon K. We will talk about this tomorrow. Good night dear" She kissed my forehead and left the room with K shaking his head at me. Great, fucking great.

Indy POV

I was still at the hospital watching some child show with Quinese. She was sleeping but drawing circles all over my arm and sucking her thumb. Quincy really needs to make her stop doing that. I mean its kinda cute but she gone be a big ass teenager still sucking her thumb, that shit aint cute.

I told Quinese i would be back. I got hungry so i was going to get us a sub from subway. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to the cafeteria.

At the cafeteria i decided to get us a Italian BMT (shit be bussin'). I paid for it and turned around and i see Lisa's big brother walking to the elevators. Lisa did say she was in the hospital, maybe i can go see her later.

"KHALIL" I yelled so he can turn around

"Ummm, how can i help you?" Damnnnnnn he sexy asf but anyway focus

"Oh, im Indigo Lisa's bestfriend. I was wondering if you knew what room she was in so i can go see her later"

"Shes in room 603. You should come see her later" He said looking me up and down and smiling at me then walking away. Whoaaa, was he flirting with me?! Why niggas always wait until you in a relationship to wanna flirt & shit. But i was stuck with a big smile on my face, until i turned around and Q was looking at me mad as hell

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