Happy for Now: Pt. 2

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The first ending will be up soon. This chapter may be short and will be leading up to the endings. Hope you enjoy!😄

        Travis's POV
    I felt tears streaming down my face. "I'm scared... I'm scared, I'm scared of being alone! I'm scared this happiness that we had was just going to end again. I'm scared that one day, you'll betray my feelings. That's why I do what I do. Because nothing good stays with me. Absolutely nothing." I collapsed on the ground.

    "That's not true, you have me. And I'm scared too. I was really scared at the beginning. I was scared of how my family would react, how my friends would react. What would happen in my life when people find out that I'm gay. But you would always take my hand, hold me tight and when I'm in your arms. I realize that none of that matters. Only you do. And how we are together. In the beginning I was scared that this was all some joke and that you were playing with my feelings. But when you kissed me for the first time and you told me that you loved me. I felt like nothing could go wrong. I love you with heart and body and soul to death." Zane bent down and hugged me tightly.

    "I love you too."

    "But I can't keep doing this because I don't wanna keep fearing for my life, until it does get really bad."

    I felt my heart shatter. I started to shake more in his arms. But he never let go. I felt like I was losing control.

        Zane's POV
    Travis started to shake more, but I kept him close. I felt my own heart falling apart from my words. I noticed his arms starting to turn gray and I bet his eyes are turning purple.

    "I know this hurts. It hurts me too. But we can't keep lying to ourselves. We're weak. I'm weak for taking you back and I fall again. And for some reason I can't wait to fall again. And you're weak too. You're weak for the alcohol, and you fall for it. You fall for the drinking and it's not entirely your fault. It's HIS fault. HE takes control. And HE can't wait to make you fall again. We're WEAK! And what's wrong with that. Boy oh boy, how we fall for that." I gave a tearful, weak chuckle.

    "I'm not saying let's leave each other in the dirt and never see each other again. I'm not saying let's break up fully. Just take a small break. You get some help. And I mean actual help, you go to rehab. And I get my head clear. When we both are better, we can be together again. Okay? I promise."

Travis looked up at me and....

Sorry I left you on a cliff hanger. But the good ending will be made soon. Fallowed by the sad ending. Also I have two references in the story. I'll give you a hint. One of them is in the first paragraph. The other reference is in the second paragraph. If you the both have cake 🍰. If you only caught one have a cookie 🍪. And if you found none have a lollipop 🍭. See you in the next chapter! BYE!!😁

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