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"We need Voltron!!" Allura and I fought against King Alfor. "I'm sorry girls but I have already separated voltron. As long as they are together on Altea the galaxy  will never be safe from Zarkon. As for the purple lion it will stay here as well protect it, for you know it's  importance." Alfor stated.

"You can't do this-" Allura was cut off by Alfor forcing her into a cyropod. "Y/n you are the strongest Altean alive I need you to protect them." The king started referencing the now full cyropods.

"Sire let me fight for what is left of our kingdom. I can't let our people die I have to help them." I started. "You can't do anything else child, we have already lost. our race won't be forgotten if you protect the Altean lineage." Alfor declared. 

"What about you sire! You are our king! You are my Father..." tears started streaming down my face. "Y/n you know as well as I that this, very well could end in my death. Although if all goes well i will see my two beautiful girls again. I love you both of you so much." father said and before i could even fit another word in he had me knocked out and in cyropod.

"Who are you and why are you in my castle!" I hear a voice say. 'who is that it sounds so familiar so close so comforting ugh just let me open my eyes so I can know who that is' after struggling to open my eyes they finally opened and I saw a plate of glass slide down as I fell out of the container I was held in.

I braced myself for the impact of the floor when a tan skinned man caught me I looked up at him to see his ear they were round and he had no marks on his the sign of an Altean. "who are you, and what are you doing in the castle of lions!" I exclaimed.

Then it hit me 'They could be grave robbers thinking we were dead.' I felt a surge of strength enter my body and I kneed him this stomach and sent him to the other side of the room. "you didn't answer my question!" i shouted.

"Y-y/n we've been asleep for over 10,000 years." My energy surge seemed to drain completely as my arms fell to my side. "It couldn't have been that long." Tears brimmed my eyes but i wiped them before they could be acknowledged.

"I am Princess Y/n of Plante Altea and this is my slightly older sister Princess Allura." I declared straightening my posture. "Im Takashi Shirogane bit please call me Shiro.  It's a pleasure to meet you your highnesses." The one with the white tuft of hair said. "I'm Pidge." The one that has been examining our technology since I woke up.

"I'm hunk nice to meet you." The chubby one said cheerfully. "I'm Lance, but you can call me your romance~" said the one I kneed in the stomach while raising his eyebrows.

"I'm Keith." The raven colored mullet one said. "While it is nice to meet you all I would like to know where you are from and why you are here." I stated simply. "Well this large Blue Lion brought us here from the planet earth after we were attacked by this big purple space ship." Lance said. 

Allura looked over connecting her gaze with mine.

Time skip brought to you by my annoying brother running around with a trash can

"The red lion is the most temperamental and the hardest to tame . The red lion is the fastest and most agile but it is also unstable that is why you will pilot the red lion Keith. Although we do not currently know it's coordinates we will find it." I finished looking at Keith.

"Together all 6 lions will form voltron the defender of the universe and Zarkons Unjustly rein over the universe." Allura said as all the lions flew together showing a holographic Voltron.

"Princess you never stated the sixth lion who controls that one?" Shiro asked. "Great question with a great answer, I am the purple paladin. You see the purple lion has the elements of every lion, from Blacks leadership to Yellows kindness." I stated.

"Pidge, Shiro the two of you are going to go retrieve the green lion on planet Tarazon. Hunk, Lance the two of you will go retrieve the yellow lion on planet Javera." I said. "Allura and Y/n can only hold the wormhole open for two of your earth hours but if you don't make it in time I have concluded that they are both peaceful planets that would be nice to live out the rest of your lives on." Coran said.

"Coran don't scare the paladins!!!!" I shouted to him. "Sorry princess but anyways I have sent the coordinates to the blue lion and to your ship make sure to spend your time wisely." Coran said.

After we watch Shiro, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk walk away I look over to Keith who blankly staring at the voltron hologram. "Are you alright Keith?" I questioned. "Oh I was just thinking. I guess i started staring off into space." He said sighing at the end.

"Well the holograms space but how about you go clean the castle while you have nothing to do we will call you into the main deck when we locate the red lion." I said while handing Keith the cleaning supplies. I heard him grumble something under his breath and I add "it will help you learn your way around the castle and you if you want I could do a battle in the training deck with you later if you want."

"Yea yea." He grumbled. "This is gonna be an experience!" Allura said looking over to me. "Yea it will now let's look for that red lion." I said looking down to search for the red lion.

Lazily edited on June 6th, 2019

Nvm re edited with more effort on Monday December 9, 2019 1:31 AM

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