Tincture in the Dark

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Cover credit goes to my buddy cum bg... That is Priyanka011. Love you loads buddy for the beautiful cover❤❤❤ Loved it so much😘😘😘


Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life and your behaviour decides who stays in your life.


Author's Pov

"According to the statement of Mr. Kunal Roy, the close family friend of the victim, Mr. Cabir Dhawan, 'this case' is of 'SUICIDE'! We are really sorry while saying that Mr. Dhawan jumped from the terrace of his apartment in Mulund, this morning around 10:30."

"According to our sources, he was upset due to breakup in his three years of love life that he chose to put an end to his life. This has been confirmed by the police themselves, so they won't be investigating this matter further. I Ms. Nandini Murthy, the reporter of Vision India with cameraman- Avinash Chohan, takes your leave. Be safe and take care. Thank you!", speaks Nandini while holding the mic and standing in front of Seven Square building.

"I feel so sad for this man yaar. Anyways, it's good that everything winded up soon or else the volcano named Pawale would have blasted on us," Avinash - the cameraman cum friend of Nandini, says while winding up the camera.

Nandini chuckles a little while tying her hairs in a bun and says," Hmm... So you do the editing and air this news while I will make a draft of it to publish it in the newspaper."


As soon as they get into their car, Nandini's cell rings.  "Hello sir...(break)... Yes sir your work is done and the news will air soon. (Break) Thank you so much sir... " Nandini replies to the caller with a smile before cutting the call.

"How much?" Avinash asks with excitement twinkling in his eyes with a teasing smile after shifting his focus to Nandini while driving.

"He. Said. He. Will. Give. Us. EIGHTY THOUSAND RUPEES!!!" she says jumping with excitement.

And with a screech, the car comes to a halt. "WHATTT??! Is he madddd???"

Nandini shrugs her shoulders without trying to control her happiness.

"Nandini, I know that Kunal Roy (close family friend of Cabir) is a big businessman but ₹80,000 is way too much for just airing this news. I am finding it weird. What if this matter is not what it seems??? I mean what if this case is not of suicide but MURDER?"

Listening this, all the glow of Nandini's face evaporates like water in a hot desert. Biting her nails and thinking of the worst possibility, Nandini manages to speak, " What are you saying Avinash? Why are you stressing me and yourself with the thing that never happened? We all know that Kunal Roy is known for his white name and good reputation... And not only that, he became the guardian of the ORPHAN CABIR, right?? So..? He just don't want us to mention the name of Cabir's ex-lover because she is his daughter as he don't want to drag her in this matter. Okay??" Avinash nodded a little with an unsure sigh.

"Good. Now let's drive. And don't worry much. It's the work of police and not ours to find out the truth. We just have to make our money," making Avinash understand, Nandini looks outside while her mind still ponders on the same question that is now swirling deep inside her.


Next day

At 10:30am, this thursday, Mr. Cabir Dhawan was found dea...dd!!!  "

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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