Chapter 2

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           “Hey, fagtard, wake up!” I heard a familiar voice say.

It was Carmin Bradburn, my best friend and roommate. We’ve known each other since we were kids. We used live beside each other, and we would go around town goofing off and making practically everyone hate us. I decided not to tell him about the dream since it was probably nothing. I mean, it was practically nothing.

“Fuck off,” I reply, “I’m going back to sleep.”

He pours water on my face.


“You do realize that we were going to lunch with my brother, Julius, later, right?” Carmin states.

“Wait, what time is it?” I reply.



“Haha sorry, you were so peaceful,” He started, tauntingly, “Like a wittle baby,”

“Shut up, I’m just gonna go get ready real quick.”

My name is Lane Pax. I am 19, and I am currently taking classes to be a better archer for the Gyranite Army. Ever since we were kids, Carmin and I have dreamed of going out and fighting for our kingdom. While I am studying to be an archer, Carmin is studying to be a sorcerer. I just love the feeling of shooting an arrow, and he has always been talented and fascinated with magic.

I got up, and I went to my wardrobe to grab some clothes out of it. I found some black pants, and white button-up shirt, and a long, black coat that went down to my knees. I put them all on, and I went to the kitchen to get myself some cereal. After my cereal, I told Carmin I was ready, and we left.


We ran pretty much the whole way there, trying our hardest not to be late. Eventually, we arrived, and we went to find Julius.

“Hey, you guys are right on time,” called Julius from a few feet away.

Julius was Carmin’s twin brother. They look almost exactly like each other (other than Julius having long hair and Carmin having more short, styled hair; they both had orange hair, brown eyes, and relatively thin bodies), and Julius also studies sorcery at the same Academy as Carmin and me. However, their personalities are polar opposites. While Carmin is more carefree and witty, Julius is more careful and serious. Carmin studied more combat spells. Julius studied more healing and support spells. They even wore completely different outfits. Carmin wore a more casual outfit: a white t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, and Julius wore a fancy looking navy blue jacket, nice black pants, and black dress shoes. Even though they are complete opposites, they get along really well, and honestly, they are the best people I know.

“Yeah I’m surprised we made it though, this nerd over here didn’t want to wake up,” Carmin said as he motioned to me.

“Actually, this fucknugget didn’t want to wake me up on time,” I replied.

“Maybe you should get Carmin to set an alarm spell on you, so you would actually wake up,” Julius mentioned.

I probably should. I never really wake up on my own, and when I do the day is usually halfway over by the time I get up.

“Well anyway let’s go get something to eat,” I finally said.

They made noises that sounded like they were agreeing, and we went to The Hill for our lunch.  

It was a large stone building, and the interior seemed to be designed around the idea of the kitchen being in a big hill, and the tables were on and around the hill. It was a big place. We sat down at one of the tables on the flat ground, and we grabbed some menus.

As the waitress came over, I recognized her. I think she went to the same Academy as us. I see her all the time walking around campus with her sword by her side. She was beautiful. Long, black hair, pretty blue eyes, and she had a pretty nice body. I’ve always wanted to talk to her, but any time I think about it I overthink and end up feeling like I’m not good enough or worthy to talk to her. Who knows? Maybe I’m right.

But anyway, we ordered our food (me ordering a pretty huge meal because I’m a fatass in a skinny man’s body), and we sat and ate. While we were eating, we had conversation and genuinely enjoyed ourselves.

“So how have your classes been?” asked Julius.

“Well mine are boring as shit,” started Carmin, “We are having to learn basic healing magic even though it’s not our focus.”

“I mean it’s not like your offensive spells are any more fun,” Julius defended, as he was studying to be a healer, “Where’s the fun in cursing and burning and electrocuting a dummy?”

“Um that’s the most fun a sorcerer can have,”

“Let’s just agree to disagree,”

“I mean,” I started, “I personally prefer shooting at stuff, so it’s a matter of opinion anyway. I would hate having to study all those spells in the textbooks. I prefer some hands-on teaching without having to read as much.”

Honestly, I only want to read when  it’s something that is entertaining.

We continued to finish our lunch; We then payed the bill, gave a tip, and left the place.We had planned to head back to my house to all hang out.


Oh! I just realized that I have not described my house!

It is a decently sized apartment in a stone brick building. It has four rooms, and two bathrooms. The room you first walk into when you go through the front door is the living room, with the kitchen off to the left. The kitchen had a small, round dining table on one side of the room, and it had the cooking supplies (pots, pans, fridge, oven, etc.) Straight from the front door, there is a hallway that has a door on both the right and the left at the end. The rooms at the ends of those hallways are mine and Carmin’s bedrooms. Mine was on the left, and his was on the right. It was a nice little place, and we enjoyed living there. It wasn’t huge, but it was the best we can afford. We loved it.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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