Chapter 1

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   Emptiness. Nothing. Where am I? Why am I here? Am I dead? No, I haven’t done anything that would risk my life. I reach around to see if I have my bow, and I conveniently do. I take it out just in case there is anything that I need to use it for. I feel around in my quiver to see how many arrows I have, but I seem to only have one arrow. If there is anything dangerous here I will need to be wise about how I use that single arrow. I am terrified, though I have no idea why. I feel around myself to see if there are any walls. I feel one to my right, and I keep my hand on it. I use the wall to guide me to where I need to go. I don’t know why, but it feels like it will take me to where I want to go, even though I’m not quite sure what that is. The wall makes me turn right. Then, after a little more walking it makes me turn left, and I see a light towards the end of whatever this is. I feel the urge to aim my bow at the light, and, without thinking, I take out my arrow and aim it towards the light. I keep making my way towards the light, bow aimed with my only arrow. Thoughts of people I don’t even know fill my head. Who are these people? Why am I thinking of them? They feel so familiar, yet so unfamiliar at the same time. I walk through the light, and I start to see the silhouette of something that I can’t quite make out. I instinctively let go of the arrow to let it shoot at the figure.

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