Chapter 2: Meeting the Pride

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I slowly bang to open my eyes, a bright light blinded my eyes, before I quickly shut them again. Where was I? I tried to open my eyes again, this time much slower, the light was still bright. Ha, that rymed. Wow, I seriously need to get my proties stright. Thinking about ryming when I don't even know where I am? Smart girl, Anakara. 

"Where am I?" I muttered to my self.

"Vancover, on Western Pride land" A deep male voice said. I look to the voice, and saw it was an older man, looking about my fathers age. He had grey hairs coming threw, but they seemed to blend with his blonde hair.

"Wh-Who are you?" I cursed my self in side, why did I stutter? 

 "I'm Alpha Kennith Johnson." He said. "What were you doing on my land?"

 I looked at him, confussed. "Your land?"

He nodded at me. "Yes. My land."

"I'm sorry if I was tresspassing, I didn't see any signs, sir."

This time, he looked at me confused. "Signs?"

"Yes, the signs that say 'Do not enter, private proptry' or something like that." I said to him, slowly trying to sit up.

He smiled at me, then laughed. "So clueless, young cub."

"Cub?" I asked. That was a werid pet name for someone to call me. Just then, three new people walked in to him the room. The first oone was a girl who looked about my age, with light brown hair, with hazel highlights, soft brown eyes, and tanned skin. The second one was a male, with slightly messy brown hair, and blue eyes. The last one was, hands down, a god. He had tossled blonde hair, with a nice light tan, beautiful, soft grey eyes, and muscule that could make any girl swoon. 

"Ah, Leander, Ellie, and Marcus. Woulld you minid showing our guest around the house?" Kennith asked.

"Ok sir." Ellie chirped, then came beside me. "Hi, I'm Eleanor, but most people call me Ellie or El."

I slowly swong my feet off of the bed like thing I was laying on, and got to my feet. "I'm Anakara, I guess you can call me Ana."

Ellie smiled at me, and linked her arm threw mine. "Well, hurry up, and we'll show you around." As I followed her, I couldn't help but smile at her bubbly engery. "Oh, and that one is Marcus" She said, pointing to the brunnette, "And that one is Leander." pointing to the blonde god. 

"I perfer Lee." He said in a deep masculin voice. Oh, my god. I thought, his voice was beautiful.

I nodded, and waved my hand at the two guys. Ellie showed me the house, which was huge and full of people. "Why are there so many people here?" I asked when we stoped in the empty kichten.

"It's the Pride house. A lot of people live here or vist here often." Marcus said. 

"Pride? As in like a pride of lions?" I asked confused. This was a very confussing day. 

"Well," Ellie said, "We're not ALL lions, but that's what we're called. Well, a group of us any ways."

Then it hit me. These were the others my parents were talking about. "Holy quack" I said.

"What?" Asked Ellie.

"You guys are part... What we be part?" I asked.

"Well, depends. Everyone's part something." Ellie explained. "Like, I'm part Jaguar, Marcus is part Leopard and Lee's part lion."

"Oh." I said, trying to take in all this information.

"It'll be really confusing to you, since you didn't grow up with all the information already." Marcus said, looking into the frigde. "Lee, do you think your mom will kill me if I eat some of the left overs from last night?"

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