Chapter 23

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(Roy's POV)

This is it. If the shit were to hit the metaphorical fan hard enough to kill me; today was the day!

Johnny was twitching, trying to keep still enough to look unconscious. Hands haphazardly tied behind his back. Not enough duct tape around his ankles. We were ready.

I even kept a knife in my sleeve for safety, having everything else locked up. Even if we agreed on no weapons, it was rare that people listened.

The front door was unlocked, but everything else was still sealed up tight. As it should be. I was getting texts nonstop on my burner phone about every turn and update on location. He was making sure Johnny was safe, unconscious, tied up, quite. Everything!

The doorbell rang, zapping a shock of adrenaline through me when I finally saw the client.

He was just a teen. Maybe 19 or 20, but far too young to have this kind of money, and definitely too young to be dabbling in this business.

"Are you... 'M'?"

"Jimmy," he spoke quickly, pulling my hand from the door and shaking it without warning. "Feel free to call me Mmy. Like, like the end of Jimmy-"

"Like Nny, I got it." I looked at where our hands met before pulling away, "That could get you stabbed in my line of work. I don't suggest-"

He kept his hand where it was, only putting it down as he began to push his way into my house without another word.

"- Doing it again..." I finished, mumbling to myself. How does one threaten an idiot? "He's on the couch. Hands and feet bound, and he's unconscious. That's how you wanted him, wasn't it?"

"Oh, he's perfect!" he spoke. Johnny's lip twitched in annoyance, but the loon thankfully didn't notice. Instead, he clasped his hands together and tilted his head, like a cartoon in love.

"I never got an answer... why did you want him anyway?"

"Oh, I wanted to talk to him, get to know him. That's all. We're very alike you see. Though, last time I tried to meet up with him I wound up getting pushed down a flight of cement stairs and had a knife put inside of me. But! That's in the past!"

"You really think you can have a pleasant conversation with a man that stabbed you?" That actually sounds accurate in a way. I could probably still have tea and cookies with Nny as a shive stuck out of my side.

"No, he didn't just 'stab' me! He ah... carved open my stomach and placed the knife fully into my body. A great work of art in my book. Shore stumped the doctors when I came limping in. Ha!"

What brand of froot loops is he smoking?

"Artwork you say? I feel it may be a little more complex than that..." Johnny continued to slightly twitch as we kept talking. Just the corners of his lips and the tips of his fingers, nothing much, but the more he did it the more I worried Jimmy would notice.

"Oh, I'm sure there is. And I'd love to talk about it when he wakes up... What happened here?" He asked, gesturing towards Johnny's arm.

"There was..." How do I explain this? "An incident. Got a gash up his arm, had to sew it up, nothing too major."

"I see..." His eyes flicked from the body to his (I'm assuming stolen) car in my driveway.

"I'm not helping him to the car until I'm paid," I stated quickly. I sat down next to Nny on the couch, lightly setting my hand on his head to try and stop the twitching that was getting worse. And my fingers through his hair seemed to help. Breathing slowed, twitches stopped...

"Right, right, of course." He pulled out his phone, ready to send cash to my account, "Or..." he started again.

I reached for the knife tucked in my sleeve, now unable to feel it. Instead, he had it.

"What 'Or?'"

"Hehe, or... I could gut you and keep my cash..." he spun the small butterfly knife in his hands, playing with it beautifully. Taking the artistic think a bit far with it. It truly would be majestic... well, as majestic as a 190cm tall idiot could be. "And leave you here to rot... I don't need your help with my guest. What is he... like a 130... 140 pounds?" He asked stepping closer.

"53 kilograms." A voice spoke. One that wasn't mine.

Mmy froze. Johnny chuckled to himself, pulling his head off the couch to glare at the client as he spoke.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Oh, like you don't remember me!?" Mmy asked excitedly, immediately forgetting about me now that his trophy was awake. "I'm your big fan... remember!?"

"I think... I remember stabbing you several times in the chest..." Mmy just chuckled at that. Jimmy pulling me from my spot and pressing my back to his chest, knife to my throat. I was trapped. I could try to spin my way free, but he had the tip of it placed against my artery, I'd bleed out in minutes before anything good happened.

Johnny showed no reaction aside from annoyingly tearing off his restraints. But I could see through it, his eyes darted around every surface of the room. There was nothing to use as a useful weapon.

Jimmy let out a chuckle, "Was this the plan all along, Nny?" He asked, pressing the blade flat to my skin. "Was he a present for me? Is this why you didn't kill this amateur when you had the chance?" I am fucked. WAY more fucked than before. The shit has hit the fan, I repeat, this shit is GOING TO KILL ME!

I was at a loss for words... so was Johnny, and we didn't know how this could possibly turn out good. I couldn't exactly tell him to play along. Not out loud.

Maybe he already knew.

"If we're going to kill him... How do you want it done?"

Meat and Fluids (JTHM Fanfiction) (Nny x Me)Where stories live. Discover now