Not Yet My Sestra [Straight]

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Not Yet My Sestra

Breeanna, pulls awkwardly on the short black, sequenced dress. It's definitely something she'd never wear back home. Good Lord, when she'd looked in her hotel mirror that evening, before stepping out armed with a full can of pepper-spray, she'd actually ventured out in New freakin' York.

Stepping into the bar, she scans around for anyone that can help. A lot of the folks here though, look like the sort of typical business tycoons: white, middle aged and fit in expensive suits. The few women that are dotted around are either in similar dresses to hers or powerful business suits. She scans the crowd, trying to spot a man that shouldn't be so hard to spot in this sort of crowd.

With frustration, she pulls up a photo she'd found on her phone and heads for one of the guys that seems to be clearing the tables.

"Hey there Sugar, I was wondering if you could help me," she asks the member of staff.
He's clearly taken back by her thick Southern accent and it takes him a few moments to regain his momentum.
"Er-yeah-sure. What can I do for you Miss?"
"I was told this man works here-Jamie Stephens?"
Breeanna hold up her phone to show the man the picture of Jamie.
"Jamie? Oh yeah, sure, he's working the bar. Guess you caught him at the right time actually, his shift's nearly over."

As Breeanna thanks the employee, she heads over to the bar. With it only just getting to the evening, it isn't too packed meaning she easily gets a seat. While she briefly takes in the sight of the rows of colourful bottles behind the table, Breeanna spots just the man she's after. His chocolate skin is a tad lighter than his father's but she supposes that's due to his Caucasian mother. His eyes, nose and chin are also the strong masculine features of his father's, however that seems to be where the similarities stop. While his father has a completely bald head, Jamie has a smooth light splattering of it, close to his scalp.

Breeanna can feel her heart start to race as he nears her. His brown eyes are so light they seem almost golden and that gaze just pins her straight.
"Hey, what can I get you?" he asks wiping the already clean bar table in-front of her.
"" Breeanna's lost for words-something that rarely occurs.
In fact, most days people can't get her to shut-up.
"Need a little more time deciding?" he asks gently his full lips curling into a smile that bares perfect white teeth. They seem to dazzle against his skin tone and once again, Breeanna's taken a little back.

She clears her throat, regaining her equilibrium again before stating, "actually, I'm here for you."
Jamie bursts into laughter before he collects himself and his eyebrows rise in surprise.
"Wow!" he laughs before be suddenly cuts himself off in thought, "wait...I know you right? 4th of July party, er...Kristina-Kris, right?"
Breeanna quickly smothers her confused expression and lights up at his mistake.
"Yes! Yes! Hi, you remember!" she cries quickly adapting the role of this 'Kris'.
Clearly this 'Kris' person is someone he welcomes so maybe for the time being it's best she plays along. Then perhaps when they're in a more private place she can talk to him about who she really is and why she's there.
"Yeah! Wow, that accent. Huh, I guess those acting classes are starting to pay off."
Breeanna merely shrugs her bare shoulders.
"So...apparently you're shift's ending..." she trails off causing a wicked grin to lighten Jamie's face and for some reason there's a knot in her stomach.
"Yeah, damn girl you sure do have good timing. Let me clock out and we can get outta here."
She nods as he moves towards his co-worker and does his whole procedure of signing out.

He does just that. Clocking out before holding open the door for her. They step out into the brisk New York autumn air, Breeanna follows him along the busy sidewalk as they walk to an unknown destination.
"So what've you been up to? Any shows I might have seen you in?" he asks, carrying on this little chit-chat assuming that she's 'Kris'.
", I don't think so," she replies honestly.
"Hey well, I'm sure you'll get your big break soon. But what made you find me now?"
Bree flounders for an answer for a minute before simply shrugging, "curiosity, I guess."
"Well I sure am glad," he gives her a heart-stopping grin before typing in the code for the entrance to a standard looking block of apartments. Holding the door open for her she bustles in, edging past him and accidently catching a whiff of his musky cologne.

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