The royal servants instantly bombard the room with trays of food and drinks. I shrunk in my seat as they drop plates full of meat and other proteins. The delicious aroma from  the array of assortments filled the area around us. A, now, sweet familiar smell of animal blood caught my attention. A servant was placing a golden cup top off with a straw next to me. It was an addition to the wine and water provided for everyone.

"How are you feeling Asena," the King question drawing me from the cup of blood.

"Good, thank you, " I smiled.

"We're going to head out to Upper East Mountain tomorrow morning," Juduan inform his father a few minutes later, "we have some business to attend there."

"What business do you have in the Upper East," the Queen scowled, "is this why Rajah has returned."

Juduan sent a look to his brother before answering his mother, "we'll be looking for a witch there that can help my mate."

"A trip you didn't run by me or your mother," the King points out matter of factly.

I glanced back down at the golden cup full of blood. The cup of blood I consume in Juduan's office was more than enough to satisfy me until tomorrow. But just the temptation and offering of another helping of the content has me craving for more. A push of encouragement rush over me, my eyes look over to Cressida instinctively.

"It's not official royal business, father, so there was no reason to consult you" Juduan inform him.

I look back to the cup picking it up without hesitation and took a small sip of the thick liquid. A satisfy smile grace my lips as I return back to the conversation amongst the table.

"I just can't believe you're leaving the kingdom again so close to your crowning ceremony," Catharine comments with concern.

I narrow my eyes on her not voicing my dislike for her it.

"Luckily, you don't have to worry about that now. Do you," Rajah mock while sipping from his wine.

"I will not have you return to this table being disrespectful," the Queen chided at her son.

Eija simply place a hand on Rajah shoulder, "he's not here to disrespect. We're just here to help Juduan and Asena."

I look over Eija and Rajah. I'm starting to get the gist that the two come in a pair. They're intuitive with each other; weather that be calming each other down or defending the other. It's not common for a werewolf and vampires to keep company with each other for fun. So, what type of relationship does these two actually have?

"You guys are welcome into this castle without Juduan being the reason," the King reminded his son and Eija.

The table fell quiet as some ate there dinner and others stare blankly before them. I look to Juduan setting down the empty cup of animals blood. His dark eyes look over his family with anticipation. I place my hands on his knee before clearing my throat to speak.

"I appreciate you guys for coming to Juduan's aid and helping us. It looks some brother time is needed between you two," I muse to my mate and Rajah, "Eija here has agreed to teach me to control my new vampire side..."

"What about your wolf," Catharine interrupts, "I sense your beast hasn't returned like you claimed she would yesterday."

I look over to her with a fake smile, "don't worry about that. Juduan and I will take care of that.'

"This is getting ridiculous," she murmured.

"Catharine," Juduan warned but she quickly jumped before him.

"No, and I don't mean any disrespect your highnesses," she look to the King and Queen, "but this female suddenly shows up on a simple pack check, newly turned hybrid with no wolf is your son's mate. She has already destroy the system we all have build  here and threats the crowning ceremony..."

"I think you've said enough," Juduan announce in his Alpha tone.

"Don't silence anyone who speaks the truth son," the Queen growls, her eyes land on me in a subtle glare, "I'm concerned about your future as King.

"What are you insinuating," Cressida question placing a hand on my shoulder.

I was already seeing red at these she wolves false accusations against me. How dare they even think I would intentionally cause harm to my mate. They can't look pass the fact that I'm a vampire, hybrid, being chosen by the moon as the Queen of the wolves. But at heart, even without my wolf, I'm more beast than vampire; and I'll gladly show them what I'm capable of.

"That's enough," the King commanded, "Juduan. Asena. You're dismiss from this table."

After a strain minute has passed Juduan stood up without a word. I reach up to squeeze Cressida's hand with a silent appreciation before standing to my feet as well. I look away from Cressida and the Queen to give the King a respectful nod. Then I turn to give Rajah and Eija a parting smile before taking Juduan's out stretch arm.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow morning," Juduan restate lowly to them and Cressida, "have a good night," with that we walked out arm and arm.

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