Chapter Two : Markus POV - Nov 5th, 2038, 9:58am

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Markus POV

Nov 5th, 2038

9:58 am 

I got off the bus and walked up to the house. The door opened as I walked in and the automated computer voice welcomed me home like it does every time I come home. I placed the package down on the entryway table and walked over to turn on the little birds who were turned off the night before so Carl could sleep soundly. I walked into the living room where on one end was the dining room and the other was the door to his art studio. I walked past the stuffed giraffe he had and into the art studio. I opened up the current and let in the sunlight from the four glass walls that made up this room before walking around and cleaning everything up, so it was all neatly organized for when Carl came down later. Once everything was in proper order, I walked into the kitchen and made breakfast and coffee. Once the eggs and bacon were cooked, I placed it on a silver tray, covering it, so it stays warm then headed to the dining room. I placed it down on the table. Now everything was ready. It was time to wake up Carl.

I made my way back down to the entryway to the main staircase. I then hung up my jacket and walked up the stairs to the second landing that opened up to a balcony that overlooked the first floor. All the walls lined with so many books a person would never be able to read them all. It was time to wake up Carl, so I walked into his room and drew his shades letting in the sunlight.

"Good morning Carl," I said to him as he started to stir.

"Good morning." He responded as he pushed himself up into a sitting position on the bed.

"It's 10 am. The weathers partly cloudy, 54 degrees, 80% humidity, with a strong possibility of afternoon showers." I informed him like I did every morning.

"It sounds like a good day to spend in bed..." He replied even though he knew that's not what I was programmed to do.

I had to keep him healthy and functioning as normal as possible. Now that he was awake it was time to administer his medician.

I walked around to the other side of his bed and pulled out his medication.

"I did go and pick up the paint," I told him as I settled next to him.

"Oh yes, that's the difference between you and me, right Markus? You never forget anything." He said to me.

"Show me your arm," I told him.

"No." He answered me like he did almost every day even though he had no intention of resisting.

"Thank you," I said as he handed out his arm to me so I could give him his shot.

"I just opened my eyes, and I'm already greeting my teeth. Humans are such a fragile machine... they break down so quickly... all this effort to keep them going." He was telling me, and I could not help but listen to his words.

He was talking not just about himself but all humanity in ways I could not understand. I was not frail or would ever die because I'm not alive. I could not understand his fears.

"What happened to your clothes?" He asked me as he reached out and touched me.

His heart rate raised slightly as he became worried for me the same as Clovers had. I knew I needed to calm him down. Elevated heart rate could only worsen his condition.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just some demonstrators in the street, Carl..." I told him.

"What a bunch of idiots...they think they can stop progress by roughing up a few androids? I hope they didn't harm you." He said to me as he placed a hand softly on my arm.

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