"A tree fell on it." Briarlight said wryly, looking at her paralyzed legs bitterly.

"That's gotta hurt." Ginger meowed, then changed the subject, "Well, follow me. Just past these woods up ahead are the mountains!"

Ginger led the way out of twolegplace and down a grassy hill. They reached the woods and started to pad through the trees. Jayfeather drank in the familiar scent of the woods, enjoying the feeling of grass underpaw and the sound prey in the bushes. But the woods still felt unfamiliar and Jayfeather let out a hiss as he bumped into a tree.

"Watch where you're going!" Ginger laughed, "What are you, blind?"

"Yes!" Jayfeather hissed, more annoyed than ever.

"Really?" Ginger sounded disbelieving.

"Yes." Jayfeather replied, fighting to stay calm.

"Sorry... I didn't know." Ginger mumbled, his cheerfulness fading. Then he looked up at the stars that were appearing overhead. "Its getting late."

"Yes. Maybe we should rest now," Jayfeather agreed.

The four cats found some wide bushes to make nests under, and curled up to sleep. Fireflies flickered around them peacefully, and crickets chirped. It felt good to be back in woods again. Jayfeather felt Briarlight's pelt slightly touch his and shifted away. Thoughts swam in his head, making him restless. He still couldn't believe he had been exiled from Thunderclan. Halfmoon had told him to journey to the mountains to find a new stick, but why would he need it if he wasn't in Thunderclan anymore? And weirdest of all, Dawnpelt had threatened to prove he was a murderer, but now she was helping him on a journey to the mountains. Jayfeather lay in his nest, unable to sleep for a long time, then started washing his pelt. Then suddenly a thought occurred to him.

If I can find poppy seed I'll be able to sleep.

Jayfeather got to his paws and silently crept out of the bushes. The chilly wind buffeted his fur softly as he padded through the woods. Suddenly a howl echoed through the woods and Jayfeather shivered at the bone-chilling cry.

Was that a dog?, he wondered.

He stood in silence, waiting for another howl but none came, and he let out his breath. He lifted his nose and scented the sweet scent of poppy flowers up ahead of him. He slunk quietly through the woods, wondering if anything dangerous was lurking in the shadows. He approached the flowers and squeezed the little poppy seeds into his teeth. He tensed as he heard another howl nearby. He broke into a run, blood roaring in his ears. Suddenly he heard a loud bark and a big paw smacked him to the ground. Before Jayfeather could yell for help, the creature bit his throat. Less than a heartbeat after the teeth sank into his throat, the creature dropped him to the ground. Jayfeather got to his paws shakily and saw a brown-furred cat attacking the red-furred creature fiercely.

Wait, I can see? Jayfeather was stunned, gaping at the sight of the brown she-cat, fighting the dog with her hind legs dragging uselessly.

Jayfeather sprinted into the fight, leaping onto the creature's throat and clinging to it. Briarlight swiped at its legs, and the creature collapsed to the ground. Both of them pinned its throat to the ground, biting and clawing with every scrap of their strength until the creature finally gave in. It lay, blood pooling at the throat. Jayfeather's sight suddenly faded away and he stood there, astonished.

Was that real or am I dreaming? He wondered.

Jayfeather touched a paw to his throat and felt it touch warm, sticky blood.

So it was real! I must've been having a vision, He noticed.

"That was close!" Brarlight meowed.

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