"I don't feel any pain." Briarlight murmured, looking sadly at her parylyzed legs.

Jayfeather also added cobwebs to stop the bleeding and when he was finished they continued walking, more slowly than usual. They were nearing the twolegplace, which loomed ahead of them. None of them spoke, but Jayfeather could tell that they were all uncomfortable.

"Stop. Here's the first fence." Briarlight meowed, stopping Jayfeather with a paw so he wouldn't run into it.

Dawnpelt leaped up onto the white picket fence easily. "Jump as high as you can, Jayfeather and I'll pull you up."

"I don't need your help!" Jayfeather spat, and leaped onto the fence, struggling a little on the edge.

Suddenly Jayfeather realized Briarlight couldn't jump.

"Can you squeeze through the holes in the fence?" he asked Briarlight.

"I can try." Briarlight replied, pushing herself into a thin hole in the fence. With some effort, she managed to make it through, her pelt ruffled.

Dawnpelt and Jayfeather leaped down to Briarlight and the three started walking through Twolegplace.

They went from fence to fence, trying to stay pointed in the direction of the mountains.

"We won't have to cross any Thunderpaths if we keep to the back of the twoleg dens!" Briarlight meowed brightly.

Soon the sun started to set, and the cats were still making there way through the Twolegplace. They all stopped, confused.

"I can't see the mountains from here." Dawnpelt murmured.

"Me neither." Jayfeather said sarcastically, and he heard a purr of amusement escape Briarlight.

"Want me to help?" came a voice.

Jayfeather jumped with surprise to hear that a cat was right above them, laying lazily in a tree.

"Who are you?" Dawnpelt growled, claws unsheathing immediately.

"I'm Ginger." the ginger tom meowed in a friendly voice, "I can lead you to the mountains if you want. I know my way around this place."

"Thank you." Jayfeather meowed, gratefully dipping his head.

"Who are you guys? I haven't seen you around here before." Ginger asked.

"I'm Jayfeather." Jayfeather meowed, starting to feel impatient.

"And I'm Briarlight." Briarlight introduced herself.

"Dawnpelt." Dawnpelt meowed, then blurted out "Are you a kittypet?"

"You mean like- a house cat?" Ginger mrrowed with amusement, "No way! I'm a rogue. I like to stay away from No Furs! Anyways, where are you guys from?"

"We're clan cats." Jayfeather meowed quickly, wanting to get moving, "Now can you show us how to get to the mountains?"

"Sure!" Ginger meowed cheerfully, "Follow me."

The ginger tom bounded to the side of the twoleg nest, leading them up to a thunderpath.

"Don't worry. Normally there are less cars at night." Ginger called reassuringly.

Cars? Jayfeather shot a puzzled look at Briarlight and she looked just as confused.

"He probably means monsters." Dawnpelt suggested, shrugging.

Dawnpelt and Jayfeather got on either side of Briarlight again, and they rushed across the thunderpath as quick as possible.

"Wow. That's some injury!" Ginger exclaimed, gaping at Briarlight, "What happened to it?"

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