prompt 3

16 3 0

You receive an unmarked envelope.
Inside Is 5 million dollars.
It a legitimate check what are you going to do with it?
Do you ever find out who it I'd from?
How does it change your life?

Lily's pov

I wake up I put on some clothes since I was going to use the last of my money on yarn.

I brush my teeth and brush my hair.

I put on my high heeled black knee-high boots.

I take one step outside to see an envelope on my front porch.

I pick it up and wonder 'who sent this and what's in it?'

I open it to find 5million dollars!

I jump around and dance singing "I'm rich I'm rich oh yes it's true I'm rich now!"

I excitedly notice a note also in the envelope.

I take it out and read 'dear Lily you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. So I thought a gift was in order. If you don't like it I understand.but if you do like I'll be waiting at your favorite ice cream shop and if you don't please come anyway and I will take the money back. Love your secret admirer.'

U look in but see nothing else.

I went to the yarn store and bought all of the yarn in it to crochet with and all of there crochet patterns. Now I only have 4 million left.

U check the time and go to the ice cream shop to meet him.

After 5 minutes I hear a voice call out"Lily! Lily!"

And see the guy I like running towards me.

He stops in front of me and asks"so do you like the money or not?"

I surprised to say "you're my secret admirer?!"

He blushing says "Ya also I wrote a song for you."

I say " wow I love my gift and ok let's hear it."

He then sings the whole song.

I clap as he finishes "Lily will you be my girlfriend?"

I answer "of course you are the best guy ever!"

And attack him with hugs and kisses making us fall over him a laughing mess.

The end

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