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YOU STOOD WITH Zach as Gray ran through the sprinkler with his little nerd friends. The Jurassic World incident had happened months ago and you were still recovering from leaving Foxtrot.

You and Zach had formed a relationship -- though Owen disapproved of you having a boyfriend. But your brother couldn't deny that Zach was "worthy" of you.

Claire had sort of isolated herself. You hadn't heard from her since Jurassic World and you wondered what had happened to her.

But you couldn't worry about that now. You were with two of the four people you love dearly. Zach's hand snaked around your waist and he pulles you close, resting his chin on your shoulder.

You were content until you felt his fingers brush against your side. You jumped with a laugh as he tickled you. Playfully, you slapped at his chest, giggling. "Damnit, Zach! You're lucky I love you."

"You got that right, sweetheart," he wrapped his arms around your waist again and pulled you close to deliver a delicate kiss to your lips.

"Ooooooh!" shouted one of Gray's friends as they noticed the two of you kissing.

"I'm telling Zach's mom!" yelled another with disgust.

"I STILL SHIP IT!" Gray's scream was the loudest, causing everyone to fall silent while you and the older Mitchell parted. You quirked a brow with at your hopefully-brother-in-law-someday with an embarrassed grin.

"Graaaaaaaaay," groaned Zach, rubbing his temple, but you could tell he was amused and maybe even a bit embarrassed.

Then the Jurassic Park theme song started playing and your face flushed. It was your ringtone. You rummaged through your jacket pocket -- the jacket, of which, you, of course, stole from Zach, while using your other hand to fix your cap. You pulled out your phone to find Claire's name flashing on your screen.

"I've got to take this," you glanced up at your boyfriend, "It's Claire."

You padded away from the boys and toward the Mitchells' car to answer.

"Hello?" You mumbled with furrowed brows.

"Hey, (Y/n). I've decided to start a kind of organisation," Claire began, which confused you further. What sort of "organisation" and what was it about?

"An organisation? For what?" You queried, both curious and baffled at this sudden development.

"It's called the Dinosaur Protection Group; D.P.G. and I was hoping you'd be apart of it, especially after Foxtrot.." Claire's voice trailed off, knowing that the striped Raptor was still a sore and sensitive topic for you to discuss.

You took a deep breath, thinking it over. A group dedicated to protecting dinosaurs? You couldn't tell Owen, you decided. He'd be upset that you made your own decision without consulting him. But he was in a relationship with Claire now.. did he already know? You exhaled.

"Hell yeah, Claire, count me in."

"Great! I'll pick you up next weekend to discuss the details of the organisation in person. Thank you, (Y/n), I know how much this means to you." Claire was sincere and you knew she had changed from uncaring about the prehistoric creatures to doing everything she could to protect and preserve them.

"Alright. I'll pack a few bags."


Aaaaaaannnnnnnddddddd this book has come to an unfortunate end. I've enjoyed writing it and all of your comments make me laugh. I absolutely love you guys, both the quiet ghost readers and the spamming Nazis. Keep it up! I love hearing from you guys, especially your input.

So I have an announcement that I will be posting shortly and I'll need your guys' opinions.

Until then, toodles!

- rogue

Insanity | a Jurassic World Fanfic & Zach Mitchell X ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora