Chapter Three : Fatal Attractions Pt. 1

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GRAY RAN AHEAD of you, his curls bouncing. You directed them towards the petting zoo while Zach walked beside you and Zara stumbled behind.

You stole a glance toward the dark-haired boy at your side, finding his sharp features slightly attractive. Slightly.

But you had noticed his eyes followed any girl around your age. You noticed he'd stare at a certain group of girls until they waved at him and giggled.

This upsetted you a little, but you had only just met the guy. Besides, you didn't want a boy who'd look at multiple girls.

Your group finally pushed through the crowds and entered the arched doorway of the zoo. Baby dinosaurs played in pens while some of the larger babies had saddles on for children to ride.

Gray just couldn't keep still; he was at one pen and then another, and then he'd return to the other pen. He repeatedly mumbled questions under his breath, but you couldn't hear him above the sounds of the dinosaurs and the "ooh"ing and "awe"ing of the crowds.

You stopped to lean over one of the rails and gently stroke one of the Triceratops. It seemed to shy away from your touch.

"That's strange; she's usually quite friendly. What do ya got on your hands, blood?" Came a joking voice from behind you.

You glanced over your shoulder to see Rift with her hips cocked to the side, arms crossed, and a smirk on her lips.

You laughed, "I dunno. Maybe~"

Rift shook her head, "Better not get caught red-handed, then, pal."

"Lame pun, RJ." You replied with an eye-roll before noticing that Zach seemed to be checking your friend out. That kinda pissed you off, but you didn't let it show.

"Ooh, who's your friend?~" Rift glanced at Zach, sending him a flirtatious wink that turned his ears red.

"He's -- " you began.

"Oh, there you are! I've been looking all over for you," Gray suddenly grabbed Zach's wrist and forcefully dragged him in the opposite direction of Rift.

"Uh, well, I guess I should go. I'll see you later, RJ?" You mumbled, your (color) eyes following Zach and Gray as they maneuvered through the crowds.

"Of course, and maybe next time I'll catch your friend's name~" she sent you her trademark wink before flipping her black hair over her shoulder and disappearing behind a group of teenagers.

You bit your lip while pushing through the crowds to reach the brothers. They had stopped in front of a station where children could ride the baby dinosaurs.

When you approached, you saw Gray look over at you and send you a knowing wink.

You froze for a moment.

He did that on purpose?!

Then you shook your head with a crooked grin; Gray was your new favorite kid.

You made your way to stand beside them as Gray hopped, trying to get a better view of the dinosaurs.

"Think I could ride one?" He asked.

"You're too old," Zach huffed, obviously annoyed by Gray's earlier actions.

"Here, get on my back; I'll lift you up so you can get a better picture." You offered to the younger boy as he struggled.

He looked at you for a long moment, contemplating, then his face split into a grin and he jumped onto your back. You lifted him as high as you could while he snapped a couple of pictures over the tops of people's heads.

Zach shook his head, mumbling, "You know, you could have just let him figure out a way to get a picture on his own."

"So? I like seeing people get the full Jurassic World experience." You responded, equally as quiet.

To your surprise, Zach just chuckled, "You're such a nerd."

"Hey!" You frowned, but couldn't help a giggle from escaping.

"Hay's for horses, (Y/n)," he replied sarcastically as you set Gray down. Then he glanced at Zara.

You followed his gaze and saw that the woman had her nose in the bright screen of her phone and, while her attention was diverted, Zach grinned.

"Let's go!" He nodded toward the exit of the zoo.

"What? Why?" Gray protested.

"Just c'mon!" Then Zach grabbed both yours and Gray's wrists and quickly led the both of you out.

"What about Zara?" You demanded, pulling your arm from his warm fingers.

"You want to be babysat by some phone-absorbed hag?" Zach argued with a quirked brow.

"No," you sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, "I guess you're right.."

Then your phone buzzed.

You pulled it out to see an incoming call from Owen.

"Hold on, I have to take this!" You told them as you ran to the nearest restroom and answered the call.

"Owen? What's up?" You asked as you leaned against the sink, criticizing your appearance in the mirror.

"Just checking up on my little sis, is that so bad?" Owen chuckled.

"Okay, seriously, what's up? Did something happen or what?" You knew he had called for a reason.

"Okay, okay, you caught me. I just had an argument with Hoskins -- " at this, you froze. Did Hoskins give you away? He wouldn't do that, right?

" -- and I just needed something to blow my steam on. I figured since we haven't really hung out in a while that you'd like to go for lunch with me for a few?" You sighed in relief before nodding, only to remember he can't see you.

"Yes -- yes, of course. But you'd have to invite two more."

"Like who?" Owen queried curiously and you knew his brows were knitted together.

"My new friends, Zach and Gray."

"BOYS?!" Owen's voice came through so loud that you had to draw the phone from your ear with a wince. A woman exited a nearby stall and gave you a weird look.

"Yes, they're boys, but they're good kids! One's only about twelve and the other's my age.."

"You know what? Fine. BUT if the one "your age" tries ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING, at all, I will not hesitate to feed him to my girls. Got it?"

"Sir, yes, sir," you rolled your eyes, playing with a loose strand of your (color) hair.

"Good. Meet me at that one place, uh, the Para's Café, I think? Cya in a few, sis."

"Buh-bye, Owen!" You hung up and left the restroom, searching for the boys. You found them waiting for you in front of a souvenir shop.

"Hey, you guys hungry?" You asked.

"Yeah! I'm starving!" Gray bounced energetically.

"Sure," Zach shrugged, hands in his pockets. He looked bored.

Insanity | a Jurassic World Fanfic & Zach Mitchell X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now