Chapter Five : Fatal Attractions Pt. 3

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THE AUDIENCE STARTED to disperse as the show ended. It took you a moment to realize that Zach was still cuddled up beside you before you stiffened and shoved him away.

"Ow! What was that for?" He frowned, stretching.

"Don't you have a girlfriend or something?" You huffed, getting to your feet.

"I did," Zach got up too, wringing out his jacket. You gave him a quizzical look that made him sigh, "I just broke up with her. She was way too clingy for my taste. Oh, and that reminds me.."

Your breath caught in your throat when Zach reached around your smaller figure and plucked his phone from your pocket.

No! I'm totally not gonna fall for a guy like him!

"Where to next?" Gray coughed, glancing between you and his brother.

"Actually, I think that's enough for today. Why don't we ride the Gyrospheres tomorrow?" You suggested with a shrug.

"Aww, fine," Gray agreed reluctantly.

"Sounds like a plan," Zach replied, crossing his arms.

"Alright, meet at the café for lunch?" You offered.

"Why not breakfast? Get an early start," Zach cocked his head to the side curiously.

Cute --


But you had to check in with Foxtrot before lunch. "I'm.. busy around breakfast time."

"With what?" Gray queried.

"With.. uh... my.. job?" You quickly tried to come up with something convincing to tell them, "Yeah. I was offered a job here, ya'know, doing behind-the-scenes stuff."

"Ooh! Can we go too?!" Gray was bouncing again.

"No!" They froze and gave you quizzical stares, "Er, I mean it's a secret."

"We won't tell anyone," Zach pressed.

"No," you said firmly, "It's my job alone. Anyways, I should head back toward the hotel."

Zach stared at you with a solid, blank expression, suspicion glowing in his eyes. Then he shook his head, "We're stayin in a hotel too. Brachio Beds, I believe?"

"Yeah, that's where I'm stayin' too. Walk together?" You asked as you exited the stadium. The sun was beginning to sink beneath the horizon, painting the sky many beautiful, pastel colors.

"Sure," Zach simply shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets. It seemed to be a preference of his.

You three walked in silence. Your shoulders felt heavy and weighed with their suspicions and unspoken questions. You knew they wouldn't trust you very easily now.

Finally, the silence was broken when you made it to the hotel.

"Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow," you waved goodbye and hurried to your room.

You changed into a random pair of pajamas and flopped onto your bed, not bothering with dinner, and fell asleep.


You woke up to someone calling you. You rolled over with a groan and grabbed your phone.

The contact was some girl named Sophie. You didn't know a Sophie.

You frowned, trying to unlock your phone, only to realize that it wasn't your phone. You jolted up.

"Zach must have grabbed my phone by accident! Damnit, what if he sees pictures of Foxy!" You grabbed a pillow and hit yourself with it before rushing around, getting dressed as fast as you could.

Insanity | a Jurassic World Fanfic & Zach Mitchell X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now