Chapter 2: Why...

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~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~

happiness, sadness, anger, frustration, loneliness, regret, EXP, and LV. I see all of these things in Gaster. 

I don't know what to do. But I think I'm getting there, sometimes he is fun. He lets me play chess with him sometimes. I can tell he is a nice person. But he does bad things.

I still watch the screen, its fun to watch them. But this time when I looked the tall skeleton he was crying and had a plate on his hand. no. No! NO! He couldn't! He didn't. He didn't do anything wrong. My eyes start to glow.

~~~~~~~Gaster's POV~~~~~~~

I look at subject 3. Is she? She is. I didn't think she could glow. The glow is strong. This may be useful. I will try subject 1's eye first subject 1's glow is stronger after all. 

 ~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~

I still look at the screen. My eyes are still glowing. Was this his plan? Was he going to do this from the begging? Does he even care about us? Wait he doesn't does care, if he did care he wouldn't do this. He is..... there is no point. I finally calm down. I still believe in Him.

I am still watching the screen I look at the tall skeletons hand, looking at it makes me sad. Gaster takes the short skeleton with him "No" I quietly say to myself. I watch the tall skeleton. I notice he is asleep, so I stop watching the screen, I'm not a creep that watches people in there sleep.

Gaster comes and feeds me, and he takes the screen. it's quiet to quiet. Where is gaster did he go outside?  It doesn't mater I'm not going with. I fall asleep thinking about the plates. I haven't seen if the short skeleton has them yet, I hope he doesn't they don't deserve that. 

I wake up the next day Gaster feeds me and gives me the screen. I look at the screen and see and hear them fighting. oh no, I haven't seen them fight like this. It looks bad. before Gaster leaves I ask him "why did you hurt them?" He looks at me, he seems to be surprised. "Why aren't you asking why I hurt you?" He asks. "I don't know" I respond. He didn't answer my question.

I look at the screen they stop fighting. My eyes glow. I hear the tall skeleton say "It can't, he can't...There has to be good in him, there has to be, there just has to be..." That just Makes me want to cry. My eyes are still glowing

Other than that the day goes by normally. Gaster feeds me, he takes the screen I go to sleep.

The next day. Gaster leaves the tall skeleton allow. I takes the short skeleton with him. I notice the short skeleton come back but Gaster is not with him That makes worried. I hear something about baby hands and... OH NO Gaster is be hide the short skeleton I hear Gaster say something like "I need to punish you both." "no... No! NO!!" I start to shout. They seem to hear me the short and tall skeleton seem confused Gaster seems surprised. 

"NO! NO! don't hurt them, Hurt me" I shout louder "Please! I don't want them to get hurt" I cry out. "PLEASE! hurt me instead!" I shout once more

Gaster leaves the tall skeleton there. I hear footsteps coming towards me.


hah cliff hanger

so how did I do. Ok I'm going to try to make this once a week or any time I can.

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