Start from the beginning

With that, he walked out. It only took a few seconds for everyone to do the same. Before I left the room, I took one last look at the siren in the tank.

He was staring at me with a protected kind of curiosity in his eyes. I stood there for a few seconds before hesitantly turning away and I walked out the door.

I can't wait to try to get closer to him.

-Alex POV-

So after my failed escape attempt, I listened to the humans' conversation again. Let me just say: fuck them

The human that stopped me is now my caretaker. Like I'm some kind of pup. I don't need a caretaker! I'm fully grown for crying out loud! How degrading!

On another note, though....how was he able to stop me? I have an odd feeling about him.

-Thomas POV-

I was barely able to sleep that night. It seemed like the next day came by in a flash.

Welp. Today's the day.

As I walk through the halls, people start looking at me in what seems either pity or awe. I guess it's because the siren attacked me and I'm still not scared of him.

I hate calling him "the siren" but what else am I supposed to call him?

I make my way into the research room that he's in. James and the "revolutionary set" are there. Oh great.

"Is everything alright?" I questioned James.

"Yes. We just wanted to make sure...you're alright with this."

This just confused me further. I get to work with a real siren why wouldn't I be alright? "Yeah, why?"

"Dude," John Laurens began. "He attacked you yesterday and hypnotized everyone else in the room. How are you cool with this?"

"Guys really I'm fine." They seemed hesitant to leave but eventually did so I can work.

Now it was just me and the siren and there are two things I need to know.

Can he talk? What's his name?

There are two ways to get into the tank. A ladder off to the side that I took yesterday, and a platform on the other side.

I go to the platform and stare at the siren until he notices. When he does, I signaled him to come closer.

He eyed me suspiciously, but slowly made his way over to me. When he was right next to the wall, I signaled him to come above the water. Now we were face to face.

"Hi." I start, already feeling awkward. "My name is Thomas." He just stared.
"May I ask, can you speak?" He just continued to stare.

Finally it seemed he was about to say something...then an obnoxious prick decided to give his opinion.

"Of course it can't, Jefferson." Both me and the siren turn to Adams.

"It's just another dumb animal after all.  You act like it's different. Honestly are you just that desperate for friends that you try to befriend a dumb-"

"Wow. The amount of shit coming from  your mouth must make your ass jealous."

Adams and I turn in shock towards the siren, who had an unamused face that somehow looked smug anyway.

"W-what! What did you just say?!" Adams yelled, recovering from his surprise.

"Hmm there's no point in repeating myself if that ignorant brain of yours can't even process it the first time."

I gaped even more at him.

"Well! You...you...ugh!" Adams rolled his eyes as he stormed out.

"Yeah keep rolling those eyes maybe you'll find a brain back there!" The siren called after him.

Holy shit!

"So you can talk." I finally say to him after my initial astonishment. This seems to snap him back from whatever trance he was in because he looked back at me and immediately swam away.

"Wait, wait! Come back! It's okay!" I try to get him back here but to no avail. I sighed.

Might as well get some paper work done.

I sit down at a desk and start on some documents. It isn't until around noon that I hear a splashing sound.

-Alex POV-

Idiot! What was I thinking?!

When that human was talking about me it reminded me of what other Estorrans from my nest used to say about humans. Talking about them like they were just some dumb and naive animals..I can not let it slide!

Besides, I'm not stupid.

But now the other human knows I can talk and that I'm pretty snarky.

Thomas...what a...nice name....

Ugh! What am I thinking?! I need to find a way out of here!

That's when an idea comes into my head. We were taught how to influence humans at a young age...and they said that some humans were tougher to convince than others.

Yeah! That must be it! He's just more stubborn. Which means I need to convince him with a more...direct approach.

I swim towards the platform and haul myself onto it. I lie down into a "seductive" pose. At least that's what I've heard "sailors" call it.

Thomas looks towards me from the splashing and seems to freeze when he sees me. It must be working already.

I look at him with lidded eyes and smirk. I decide to take it one step further to make his mind weak enough to break through.

"Thomas~" I purr.

I see him tense up and...his cheeks go red? It's hard to tell with his dark skin but I can definitely see it. Is that a part of the process?

Putting that aside, I start to try to influence him. I feel my eyes bore into his mind but...I'm cut off. Instead of seeing and feeling nothing...I see Thomas.

He stands up and walks out of the room.

...what just happened?

First Impressions are Often Wrong | Jamilton | siren au (Crack Ver)Where stories live. Discover now