Moving Along {Part 3}

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Moving Along:

Scared of moving on, but you're already gone

So if you're moving on, won't you just tell me?

Scared of moving on, but you're already gone
So if you're moving on, won't you just tell me?

Thinking 'bout you lots lately
Have you been eating breakfast alone like me?
Thinking 'bout you lots lately
Or are you moving along?
Thinking 'bout you lots lately
Have you been filling empty beds just like me?
Thinking 'bout you lots lately
Or are you moving along?

Scared of moving on, but you're already gone
So if you're moving on
Are you moving along?

Luke's POV:

I watch Y/N's face and I immediately know I shouldn't have said what I did. I have no right to do this to her, especially since I am the one who ended it.

I'm just scared to move on without knowing if she has already moved on herself. "Look Y/N I-." "Luke shut up." She blurts out, making me sit and wait for her to continue.

Y/N's POV:

You run your hands through your hair in frustration, trying to make sense of everything happening now that you had gotten Luke to shut up. "Luke. Who in the actual hell do you think you are?" you hiss, making him visibly tense.

"Calling me over, telling me you want to get back together after YOU broke up with ME, and then having the audacity to say you still LOVE ME?! You made it VERY CLEAR that you were no longer interested in me. You said you didn't feel the same about us anymore and I respected that. But now you're doing this shit, and I just don't get it!" You stand up to pace around, the anger coursing through you making it impossible to sit still and that's when you see it.

An empty bottle of liquor on the kitchen table.

"You have got to be kidding me, this has to be a joke." Luke's face screamed confusion as he stared up at you from the couch, "Y/N this isn't a joke, why would I joke about still being in love with you?"

Your eyes started to tear up as you shook your head, "Luke you called me up while you're drunk. I don't know if you've just lost it or what, but my emotions are a lot more than some toy to mess around with."

Luke frantically started shaking his head as he jumped up from the couch, "I did drink tonight yes, but I am not drunk enough to not be able to tell the truth about how I feel. If anything, the only reason I am able to tell you all of this right now is BECAUSE I drank tonight." You held a hand out to stop Luke from coming any closer, making the pained look on his face grow even more.

"Luke if you can't be an adult and talk to me sober about your feelings then don't bother talking to me at all. No one ever makes good decisions when they're drunk, so don't say something now that your sober self doesn't reciprocate." Luke watched as you grabbed your bag and went towards the front door, fully realizing his chances for getting back with you were almost completely gone.

"So, if I asked you to go get breakfast with me Sunday morning, fully sober, you would say yes?" Luke practically sounds desperate as he asks, making you hesitate at the door. "If you truly want to try again, of course I will say yes. But please don't lead me on and break my heart again, I don't want to be eating breakfast alone on Sunday." Luke nodded, a smile spreading on his face. "I'll text you what time tomorrow, it's a date."

You smile back before opening the door and leaving, your heart skipping a beat because maybe he never actually moved on.

AN: Should I do another song off of maybe...Ghost of You? :-)

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