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I have an idea for a book. Basically, the plot is that it's the apocalypse, and this girl, Izzy, doesn't know. She's blind.

I want you guys to tell me if I should do that, but I'll need a title and a cover, if anyone wants to make one for me. That is, if you guys think it's a good idea for a book.

This is the plot:

Izzy Nelson is an 18 year old girl, from a small town in Pennsylvania. She lives on a farm with her mother, and older brother.

Izzy doesn't live a normal life- she's blind.

Izzy has a guide dog, and a best friend. Max.

Max was going to be trained as a police dog, but when he was younger, they found out that he hated loud noises, so he was trained as a service dog, and paired with Izzy.

One day, Izzy was in her room, and Max came in, barking like crazy. Everyone was gone, so Izzy was confused.

Max ran out of the room, and Izzy stumbled after him.

What could be happening?

I'll have to work on the plot a bit, because I don't want to write all of that in the description.

You guys can give me something to put in the description, too.

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