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I'm going kayaking today, and the first time I ever went was last year for a school field trip.

Funny story, I actually ended up falling out of the kayak, and almost drowning. Well, that last part wasn't funny, but the story is.

Me, and my two other girls that I knew (one actually being my ex) all got to go in one together.

So, we absolutely had no idea how to control a kayak, so we ended up going half way down the river by ourselves, and we actually got stuck.

I got voted to get out, and get it unstuck, so when I did, I felt something touch my leg, and I freaked out.

It ended up being a freaking snake, and I actually slipped, and fell backwards into the water.

This is when I didn't know how to swim yet, because I actually used to be afraid of water (don't make fun of me...).

So, yeah, I slipped back in the water, and my head went under.

So the other girls, not knowing about the snake, jumped out of the water, and pulled me back into the kayak.

They eventually found us, and got us back tot shore, but I refused to talk to anyone that day because I was so upset.

Long story short, I'm probably going to freak out today.

Wish me luck..

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