ch. 2

751 19 2

April 11th 1921


there was a knock of the princess door.

Liz went to go answer it and it was Murdoch.

"Mr Murdoch.. please do come in" Liz said

"thank you Liz" he replied.

Liz walked into Emilia bedroom and said "Mr Murdoch is here miss"

Emilia nodded her head and said "thank you Liz.. you may go look around the ship if you would like"

Liz nodded her head and said "thank you miss"

Liz left Emilia and Murdoch alone together.

Emilia walked out of her room and saw Will.

Will got up and kissed her hand and said "hello Emilia"

"hi Will" she replied

"I was wondering... May I take you to dinner tonight?"

"are you asking me out on a date Mr Murdoch?" she asked

"indeed I am" he replied

"I would love to go to dinner tonight Will" she said

"great.. I'll come and get you at 8"

he tipped his hat and walked out the door. she sat on the couch and smiled.

she was gonna go out on a date with the man of her dreams.


Emilia was walking around the deck with Mr Lowe following her to make sure she's safe.

she sat on a beach chair and looked over to the person next to her.

he was drawing and his drawings looked amazing

"those are absolutely amazing sir" Emilia said

"thank you... I'm Jack Dawson"

"I'm princess-"

"Emilia.. princess emilia.. I'm well aware who you are.. everyone knows you" Jack replied while chuckling.

she smiled and said "may i see your drawings"

he handed her his sketch book  and she looked through it.

"these... these are marvelous drawing"

"thank you miss" he replied

she got up and before she left she turned to jack and said "it was nice meeting Mr Dawson"

he smiled and said "you too your highness"

she smiled and walked off to get ready for her dinner date.

she got dressed in a lavender dress that had a little train at the end.

her hair was half up in a bun. her tiara was silver with a hint on lavender sparkles.

she had white gloves and white heels.

there was a knock on the door and she answered it since Liz was still out around the ship.

she saw Will in a nice suit that was black and a bowtie.

he grabbed her gloved hand and kissed it while his blue eyes stared into her green eyes.

he put her hand down and stuck his arm  out.

she grabbed his arm and they walked to the dining hall.

they were escorted to a table.

he pulled out a chair for her and she sat down and he sat across from her.

they had a nice dinner. they had a amazing conversation about the ocean.

he loved her and she loved him they just haven't admitted their feeling yet.

the dinner cane to an end and Mr. Murdoch was gonna walk her back to her room but she insisted on walking by herself.

she knew Liz was out and when she reached her room some man wearing a suit and a mask grabbed her and forced her into her room.

he put his hand over her mouth and forced her into her bed room. he threw her on the bed and ripped her dress. he took her tiara and threw it against the wall causing it to break. he then started unbuttoning his pants. Emilia was crying and was trying to get a way but he was stronger than she was. she bit the man's hand and got up to run but the man grabbed her by the hair and said "you shouldn't have done that you bitch" he than slapped her and threw her back on the bed and raped her.

two hours went by and Emilia was sitting on her bedroom floor crying. she eventually got up and put on one of her night gown and a pair of heels and ran out of her room. she ran down the starboard side of the ship towards the end of the boat.

Mr. Murdoch saw a lady run past her and he immediately knew it was Emilia. he ran after her and he came to a holt when he saw her standing at the end of the ship crying and shaking .

he started walking toward her and called out her name

"Emilia love" he said

Emilia slowly turned around and ran to will. he engulfed her in a hug as she cried into his shoulder.

"what happened love?"

she looked down and said "some man came into my cuarto (room) and he... he r-raped me"

Mr. Murdoch was in shock. he was angry for whoever man raped her. women shouldn't be treated that way.

he took of his coat and put it around Emilia.

"shhhh... it's ok love.. I will protect you for now on" he said

she looked up at Will and they stared at each other. they slowly got closer  til there lips touched.

he kissed her gently and when they pulled away they both smiled.

"let me stay the night in your room Emilia.. make sure you are safe"

Emilia nodded her head and he took her back to her room.

when they entered they saw a panicked Liz.

"oh my god there you are Emilia.. I came in and saw things knocked over and I saw your ripped dress and broken crown.. I'm so sorry i wasn't here to help you "

Emilia lightly smiled and said "it's ok mija (pronounced me hah).

Mr. Murdoch and Liz cleaned up the place while Emilia went to bed.

after they finished cleaning Liz went to bed herself. Mr. Murdoch walked to Emilia room to check on her and saw her sleeping peacefully he smiled lightly and went back into the man room and layed on the coach and drifted to sleep.

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