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Tohru had lost interest in current affairs since his move to Inaba, he barely watched the news himself. All of what he knew came from the mouths of his gossiping colleagues and the townsfolk. He heard rumours of celebrity affairs and scandals but to him, it was just useless information.

Well, until he heard the rumours of the 'Midnight Channel'.

Supposedly, if you look at a blank screen while it's raining at midnight, an image of your soulmate will appear on the screen. Tohru thought it was nonsense and passed it off as some school yard rumour. However, there was a part of him that wanted to try this whole 'Midnight Channel' thing out.

Tohru constantly kept tabs on the weather, often keeping the news on when he got home to stay updated on the ever-changing weather. He didn't bother to pay attention to the stories that played beforehand, he just watched their mundane faces talk, noting a few pretty faces but denying them any second thoughts.

That was when the Weather Report came on. Tohru snapped his attention to the screen in front of him focussing on everything the reporter had to say.

"... Tomorrow we'll have torrential rain all day that will follow through to the early morning, don't forget your umbrella if you're going out!"

Tohru smiled to himself. He might finally have his chance. He might finally get himself a girl and add some happiness to his life, anything but what his life was currently like.

After returning home from work after a long day of being Dojima's slave and constantly fetching him coffee. Tohru sat down in front of his TV with a cold can of beer, savouring it's flavour. Tohru flipped through a bunch of TV Channels until he found something to satisfy his eyes. Before he knew it, his phone's alarm chimed telling him that it was only a minute to midnight.

Tohru switched his TV into Standby mode and looked into the black void where all he could see was his own reflection. He took note of how tired he looked, he hadn't had much sleep in recent years due to his job and some other personal issues.

Sighing, Tohru looked up to the clock on the wall, he could see the hands just about to strike twelve. His glare went straight back to the TV and as soon as they did, his TV omitted an eerie yellow glow. Static covered most of the screen until it cleared and showed the image of a young woman. Tohru's eyes widened. He couldn't believe what he was seeing in front of him. Was this actually his soulmate?

"No way... It's you?" Tohru mumbled.

He remembered where he saw this woman's face. It was on the news report he saw yesterday. This woman was being interviewed about a report she wrote on a foreign country for the local news. Tohru had noted her as one of the pretty faces he noticed, but for her to actually be his soulmate?

After the image faded, Tohru booted up his laptop to browse the news channel's site. He needed to know her name. He needed to know her.

He clicked on various links until he found the report he was looking for. Grinning to himself like a Cheshire Cat, he mumbled her name to himself.

"L/N F/N"    

Soulmate - Adachi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now