Chap. 7

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A/N: the art work isn't mine, I found it on the internet. And it has nothing to do with the story, I just found it cute 😍😍

Marinette POV

I walk into school. It's one of those days in which I'm not late. Surprising, I know. After what happened yesterday, from the date to the finding out who Chat was, I'm glad I can go back to my normal life. Though it isn't so normal, because Adrien is my boyfriend and he is also Chat Noir. It all happened so fast yesterday, I don't know what to do with all this new information.

"Hey girl." Says Alya as she makes her way over to me.

"Adrien is my boyfriend." I say without thinking. Alyas eyes widen.

"What?! When?! Where?!? How?!" She I interrogates. Well, it makes sense to me. Adrien got a sudden interest in me once he knew I was LB. But I can't tell Alya that! So I decide to say, "Yesterday, after his fight with Luka. We walked off and we took the metro to the Eiffel Tower. He kissed me, and then we went out on a date. And I don't know how but I got the courage to ask him t-to be my boy... my boyfriend." I say. Alya smiles and gives me a big bear hug.

"I'm so proud of you girl!" She says.

"And now we'll have to wait and see what Chloe thinks about it." I reply.

"She'll probably want to take out your eyes with her bare hands. But we won't let that happen, now will we. You finally got what you wanted and what you deserved. You're an a amazing person Marinette, you deserve the world." I give Alya a big hug.

"Thank you a much Alya. You're the best friend anyone could ask for!" I reply joyfully.

A/N: well this just got cheesy af, moving on.

Back to Marinette

Alya and I walked into class and sat in our usual spots. I look around but don't see Adrien anywhere. I decide to tap Nino in the shoulder and ask, "Hey Nino, do you know where Adrien is?"

"He said he'd be a bit late. Didn't really tell me what it was though." Says Nino.

I nod and thank him for telling me. I turn my phone on to text Adrien.

From Marinette To: Adrien: where are you? Class is about to start!

He replies only after a moment.

From: Adrien To: Marinette: had to take care of something

From Marinette To Adrien: and what might that be Kitty??

From Adrien To Marinette: that doesn't matter

From Marinette To Adrien: yes it does! What is going on Adrien

From Adrien To Marinette: it's... it's Luka

From Marinette To Adrien: Shit, where are you? I'm going to find you

From Adrien To Marinette: I'm near the school

"Miss, could I be excused? My parents need me, it's an... um... family emergency." I say. Ms. Bustier nods and allows me to leave. I run out the door and make my way out of school. I start to look around. I don't see Adrien anywhere. I start to panic. What if Luka did something bad to him? What if Luka made Adrien lie about where he was? What if Adrien isn't even with Luka and he lied about everything?

I have to calm down. I look around some more and then I finally find him. He's lying on the ground. Is he unconscious? Is he... dead? I rush over to him.

"Adrien? Adrien!! Kitty!!! CHAT!!! ADRIEN WAKE UP!" I shake Adrien violently. I start crying. Why isn't he waking up?

"M-Marinette?" He says.

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