16. Desire me

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  "Cara are you alright?" Sawyer touched my elbow, instantly I turned my phone off hoping he hadn't seen the screen, I didn't want them to worry.

"I'm fine," I lied with a faint forced smile.

"You looked scared," Sawyer probed.

"I'm fine," I insisted, "it was just my dad asking when we'd be home."

"Cara!" Mina yelled landing next to Sawyer in front of me, "there's a party because we won, wanna come?"

"Um?" I glanced around at the boys unsure.

"I'm sorry but I don't think you all can come," Mina bit her lip apologetically, "it's Ainsley pupils only."

"That's fine," Sawyer nodded encouragingly, "you should go Cara."

"Yeah go," Grey agreed quickly, "I can pick you up afterwards if you want, just call me."

"It's fine I'll go back with you guys," I shrugged, I really wasn't in the party mood anymore.

"Go," Mitch insisted, "you'll miss out."

"Please come," Mina begged wrapping her hands around mine and pouting her bottom lip.

"Fine, if everyone wants me to," I relented.

"Let's go," Mina tugged my hand pulling me along with the crowd.

I glanced back over my shoulder to see the four Silent Boys watching me with protective and concerned expressions and gave them a final reassuring wave before I was sucked into the throng of tightly packed bodies and they disappeared from view.

The house that the party was being held at turned out to only be a five minute walk from school and I was practically carried along by the crowds swarming there. I had to grip Mina's hand tightly not to get dragged away and lose her.

I had no clue who the house we entered belonged to, Mina had shouted a girls name over the chanting but I'd failed to catch it. It was a wide white painted house with an open plan ground floor perfect for parties although it was packed already. Our entire year and the year below us seemed to be there, drinking from kegs or making out against the wall or dancing wildly in the centre of the floor.

"Drink?" Mina asked me nodding to the keg with a queue running away from it.

"I'm alright," I shook my head, I could taste the bitterness of beer in my mouth and knew I'd regret it. As much as I wanted cool alcohol to slide down my throat and flood a confidence through me that started with a warmth in my stomach and spread through my chest until each of my fingers and toes felt their own sparks of confidence, I knew I shouldn't. I couldn't afford mistakes right now, not when I knew they were watching me.

"Hey," a deep voice rumbled in my ear making me jump and my hand fly to my throat. I was not in the mood to be crept up on.

"Jon," there was relief in my voice that he took the wrong way.

"You're pleased to see me," he grinned, "and you came to watch me play."

"I was forced," I sighed, "it's a long story."

"Did you enjoy the game?" He leaned against the wall beside me flexing his arms as he did so, he held a red solo cup in one hand and his breath stunk of alcohol.

"Yeah," I nodded shuffling back ever so slightly, "congratulations on the win."

"Thanks," Jon puffed his chest out proudly.

"I should um ... go find Mina she's probably looking for me," I excused stumbling over my words.

"Wait," Jon placed a gentle hand on my arm, "please let me just do one thing I've been wanting to do for ages."

I knew the look in his eyes, a look that always came before a kiss. A mixture of nervous anticipation and desire of an intensity that told me he'd been planning this moment for a while. He was staring deep into my eyes with that look and then he was leaning in and I was frozen still.

Sorry this is such a short chapter and sorry to leave on a cliffhanger. Hope you liked it. Be back soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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