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Jin was very thirsty for blood at the moment, he is a very picky vampire.

He always wants a fresh blood, and because of that, he changed his clothes,

He always wants a fresh blood, and because of that, he changed his clothes,

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(Rip sa mga naka data maslalo ka na vreenahliyah hEnKs hOnKS)

"Where are you going?" His friend, Jungkook asked.

"Hmm, going out to suck some people's blood, why?" He questioned.

"Uhm, hyung, we have alot of blood bags here."

"Ew, I don't want those, I want a fresh blood, Now... How do I look Kookie?" He questioned.

"Hmm, you look like a girl, very pretty." Jungkook smiled showing his fangs.

"Thanks Kook!" He smiled walking out of their room heading to the door-

"O.. M.. G!!!, Jin!! You look so pretty!!" Jimin shouted running towards him.

"Pink really suits you!" He praised.

"Thanks Chim, you really do know red suits you" The both chuckled.

"Bye Chim" he waved. Jimin waved back of course.


After several minutes of walking he was tired.

He groaned, because he couldn't find any human-

As a black van stopped infront of him.

"Well, hey there kid" The man said.

"Wanna go for a ride?" The other man asked.

Since Jin is looking at the ground, he really does looks like a girl. His face was planted with a smile.

"Of course" He said, even though he knows that those are bad guys.

He stood still looking down, as he looks up, he stared at them with red eyes. The man was shocked at Jin's eyes.

Jin slowly opened his mouth, still smilling.

"Hi!!" He giggled, as the group of men took their knives out of their pocket, shaking.

"Oh C'mon!, why are you afraid?" He asked while making a fake pout.

As the group of men fell to the ground, One tried to go inside the black van.

Jin was alert, he used his two fingers and swing it to the left (With his Vamp. Powers tbe) harshly as the door of the van slammed shut.

The body of the man got cut in half, blood spilled out everywhere. He was still smiling

"Who's next?" He asked, still smiling.

The men were shaking like they never shaked before.

"Well, none of you probably." He said in a 'duhh' tone.

He's A Vampire {NamJin}Where stories live. Discover now