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Loki slammed the door, letting out a sigh of relief.

"By the gods, that was awkward," he muttered.

"They must think we've gone mad," Sherlock mused.

"They've either taken this prank really far, or it's not a prank anymore," Loki noted.

"I'm starting to think the second," Sherlock replied, "Mycroft is not the kind to participate in pranks, and he has a library of secret codes at his fingertips he could use to tell me what's going on. But he clearly thinks this is normal. Conclusion..."

"Alternate Universe," Loki finished.

They stood there, about five feet apart, in silence.

"So," they both said at the same time, both stopping as not to interrupt the other, and then turning away awkwardly.

"Do you know the way outside?" Loki enquired, and Sherlock shook his head.

"But I can figure it out with a couple of deductions," he shrugged.

Loki grinned a little.

"Oh really? Impress me."

Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"Give me a real challenge. There's mud all over the carpet in that direction, so it's obviously near to garden of some sort. There's less that way, so that's deeper into the heart of the house. And for bonus — I can see the coat pegs from here."

Loki raised his eyes to the ceiling. 

"So that was too easy. Here's a harder case for you — how did we end up here?"

"Last I remember was my arch enemy in my living room," Sherlock muttered.

"Last I remember is some creep in disguise near my... uhmm... living quarters. He disguised himself pretty well, all I could really distinguish was the voice — definitely Midgardian."


"From Earth."

"Where else could it be from?" Sherlock raised an eyebrow, "outer space?"

"Yes," Loki replied calmly, "Sherkey—"


"Sherlock, whatever. Have you ever, ever in your measly mortal life watched the news?"

Sherlock pursed his lips in thought.

"Well... There was that one time John was watching the news and I kind of picked up a few odd words... but not really, no."

"So... you missed the entire invasion on New York?"

"That thing? That was just a hoax, it was very poorly done too."

"Trust me Sherlock, that wasn't a hoax. I was there."

"Okay, so it was very well done. But still a hoax."


Sherlock raised an eyebrow in expectation.

I caused that invasion. In fact, I LED it.

"I... Was... There..." Loki repeated.

"So what?" Sherlock shrugged.

"I fought in that invasion."

"You mean against the invasion?" Sherlock corrected, and Loki paused.

"Let's get outside," he decided, pushing open the door to reveal a long well-kept lawn, surrounded by a stunning garden.

Sherloki'd ✓completedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن