Chapter 2 - Sprained Ankle

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The basketball game was horrible today. I sprained my ankle when i was trying to make a three pointer shot, the ball made it to the basket though, but now my ankle hurts like hell.

Becca is driving me to the nearest hospital to check on my ankle to make sure there is no broken bones.

"That is what you get for not getting sandwich with me. You crashed into some lady. And now you sprained your ankle because she made you lost focus." Becca laughed. I told her about what happened to me before sparring.

"Hey don't be mean." I can't help but laugh a little and throw a soft punch to her hand.

"Ouch." she pretended she was in pain. We laughed.

"You know, I should be the one saying ouch right now."

"Yeah tell me about it. Hang on tight, we are almost there."

"By the way, I didn't lose my focus, the ball made it to the basket. A clean three points." I said with pride as Becca laughed.

"Lucky shot I guess."

"Jerk." I smiled and shook my head.

Becca is my best friend from college. We played college basketball together back then, now Becca is a professional basketball player. I am fortunate enough to have known Becca and other athlete friends that I've made during my college basketball days as most of them have gone pro. Because of them I am able to get into their exclusive basketball sparring for every first Saturday in a month. A close group of professional players come together and play for fun and connect with each other for solidarities.

My phone rang.

An incoming call from Gia. 

"Hey G."

"Hey kid, how are you feelin?"

"It still hurts like hell."

Gia chuckled a little. "Yeah of course it is. You'll be fine though." She paused and continue. "Your car is already parked in your apartment, and your car key is inside your apartment. As for the apartment key, i putted it in the usual spot."

"Yes thanks G, you are the best."

"Yeah no problem." 

She hung up.

Gia is one of the regular pro basketball player in our exclusive sparring. She is a legendary and one of the most experienced player in the league. 

"Gia?" Becca asked.


"You see, I don't get it. How did you get her to like you so much? It took a very long time for me to impress her."

"I don't know, I think we just have a lot of things in common."

The hospital came to sight. "And we are here." Said Becca

Becca helped me out of the car, into the hospital. Once we got there, the staff helped us and putted me in a wheelchair.  Becca thanked them and pushed me to the information desk to register. The staff then directed us to a patient room to wait for a consult with Dr. Taylor, an orthopedic surgeon. 

When we finally settled in the patient room, a nurse came in. 

"Ms. Alexandra?" 


"Dr. Taylor will be with you in just a moment. Please wait."

"Okay, thanks."

"Your welcome Ms." He smiled and got out of the room.

"That nurse is quite cute huh?" Said Becca with a smile on her face.

"Well he is okay." 

"Come on, he is more than okay Lex....."

The patient room door opened and the smell of hospital was quickly replaced by a sweet smell of lavender. A lady with a long blonde hair and a set of blue eyes came in with a smile on her face. 

I froze. 

Oh My God. 

It is her. 

That lady from the cafe parking lot.

"OMG, Hi it is you." She let a small nervous laugh out. "Hi I am Dr. Abby Taylor. I will be your orthopedic doctor for today. Nice meeting you again." She said with a tiny hint of nervous excitement in her tone. 

"Yeah. Hi, what a small world huh." I chuckled a little. "I am Alex." Becca looked at me with a very confused look. "And this is my friend Becca." 

"You know each other?" Becca asked in confusion.

I cleared my throat trying to hide my nervousness. "Excuse me." I said with a smile to Abby, then looked over to Becca. "Yes, Becca. We met in a parking lot earlier today."

"Oh right." She said as she sat back.

"So, what can i do for you today Ms. Alex?"

"I sprained my ankle today. I just wanna check if everything is okay." 

"Okay. May I?" She asked to see my ankle. I lifted them so she can have a better look. "How did you sprained your ankle?" She started to examine my ankle.

"I was playing basketball, trying make a three pointer shot, and somehow when i made the jump, my ankle bended and that is how i landed."

Abby looked at me in awe "That's awful." Then she started examining me again with a very serious face as she was moving gracefully, pressing gently on different spots in my ankle and asking me to rate the pain. A few moments later she clapped her hands once to hint that she was done with the examination. Shock waves came to my entire body as i didn't realize i was lost staring at her. 

"Okay, so the good news is, there are no broken bones whatsoever. But the bad news is..."

Ugh here we go again. Can this day be any worst?

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