ii. the teasing

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MICHAEL WHEELER tried hard to wipe the smile off his face, but it seemed impossible

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MICHAEL WHEELER tried hard to wipe the smile off his face, but it seemed impossible. as he made his way to his friends in the hallway of Hawkins High, he prepared himself for the mockery that was sure to come.

"whatcha smiling about mikey?" lucas teased as michael opened his locker door.
"you just get through making out with someone?" dustin asked mischievously.

michael sighed as he pulled his textbooks out of his bag. "no. that's your and jane's thing," he replied sharply, earning an "oh man!" from will.

jane turned a bright color of red before she walked away, headed towards the bathroom. "thanks for that," dustin snapped before going after his girlfriend.

"but seriously, you okay? you're like. overly happy," lucas questioned. michael chuckled lightly before throwing his arms over his two friend's shoulders.

"can't we just learn to accept the joys of the world?" he asked wonderingly as he looked into nothing. the boy closed his locker and walked away as will and lucas shared a look.

dustin and jane were already seated in class when michael walked in, closely followed by lucas and will. jane had an infuriated look on her face, and dustin looked frustrated.

"what's wrong with your girl?" michael asked in a hushed voice. "she's upset because somebody embarrassed her," dustin replied harshly. the tall boy rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat.

he sat up quickly when he noticed the girl with the ocean eyes and fiery hair was walking through the doorway. she walked hastily, hoping to get to a seat before the teacher noticed her.

it was to no avail, and she was introduced to the entire class. she stared at her feet, exasperated, as the teacher gave a little background about her.

"she just moved from sunny california! let's all give her a warm Hawkins welcome, and be very kind when you see her in the halls! alright, take a seat maxine," he finished.

she brought her head up to roll her eyes and as she did she caught a glimpse of the boy she'd run into earlier. the only empty seat in the class was directly behind him.

she made her way down the row of desks, willing herself not to look at him until she was seated. he turned as she walked past him and she squinted her eyes shut, resisting the urge to look into his deep brown eyes.

she took her seat behind him and spent the rest of the ninety minute class daydreaming about playing with his beautiful mess of curls.

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