Chapter 8

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Exhaustion battered every bone in my body. My head was pounding, preventing me from falling unconscious once more. I strained to rub my temples before realizing, I was restrained. Well. This is a familiar sight. I sighed to myself. I moved my wrists in an attempt to loosen the restraints.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Pietro smiled at me. I longed to smack him with my wings, but I thought it best to keep them a secret for the moment.

"Where's the redhead?" I asked, jutting my chin out.

"My sister, is too busy to deal with you. So she has left me in charge." He pouted. I rolled my eyes.

"I've been held by far more intimidating men than you." I thought of my time with SHIELD.

"You don't think I'm intimidating?" He disappeared and reappeared, with a firm grip on my windpipe.

"I'm afraid not." I managed to choke out.

"So be it." He shrugged. "I'm not trying."

"That seems to be a poor captive strategy." I said thoughtfully.

"But you see, we know the Avengers. We do not know you. Are you an Avenger?" He looked at me pensively.

Thoughts of the Avengers filled my mind. We had our good moments; archery with Clint, board games, flying with Sam, to name a few. But there was also the reason I was with them. Thor's attempt at redeeming myself. I wondered why they had not rescued me the way they might rescue one of the others.

"Well..." My hesitation seemed enough of an answer for him.

"Then why do you fight with them?"

"They fight for what is right." I said without doubt.

"Is that really the case?" He asked me, clearly wanting me to question myself.

"Go on then. You seem to have something you want to say. Just say it."

"We are like this because of them you know."

"Like what?" I was difficult. Pietro disappeared before reappearing with a snack. "They did that to you?" I asked in surprise.

"We volunteered to be experimented on, tortured really, because of Mr. Stark."

"Now, I know he can be rather annoying but really, that's a bit much don't you think?" I reasoned.

"You will come to understand." He sat down in front of me. I sunk back into my chair as he leaned in. "We were ten years old, having dinner, the four of us. My parents, my sister, and me. When the first shell hits, two floors below, it makes a hole in the floor. It's big. Our parents go in, and the whole building starts coming apart. I grab Wanda, roll under the bed and the second shell hits. But, it doesn't go off. It just... sits there in the rubble, three feet from our faces. And on the side of the shell is painted one word..."

"Stark." I guessed.

"We were trapped two days." He trailed off.

"I'm sorry." I said to break the silence.

"Now do you see?" He asked.

"...Yes." I surprised myself. All their actions towards us made sense. A strange emotion filled my chest. He painted the picture so vividly. It felt as though I had lost my own family. I felt angry at Tony. I felt my wings trembling, beyond my control. They twitched, and the action did not go unnoticed. Pietro eyebrows raised.

"What's this?" He asked. I tried to pretend nothing happened. "I will not ask again." He said, for the first time sounding threatening. So much for that. The emotion had faded, but the consequences had not. My wings spread out behind me. I couldn't help but smirk as his mouth widened. "You are an angel." He breathed.

"Not quite." I chuckled. He tilted his head questioningly. "I am not of this world. I am from Asgard." I could tell my words flew over his head.

"I am sorry for restraining you. But my sister believes you will help us." He ducked his head. "I can untie you if you promise not to go back to the Avengers." His gaze reminded me of a puppy. He kept looking from one wing to the other in awe.

Thoughts of escape filled my mind briefly, but one stood out above the others. It's not like they tried to save you... I shook it from my head.

"I won't go back to the Avengers." I sighed. For now. I added privately. His hopeful gaze stirred my heart. They must have had a reason they couldn't save me. Perhaps I could make myself useful here.

"Great." He clapped his hands together enthusiastically as he undid the restraints. My wings folded and he looked disappointed. He kept looking at me, and I returned the stare.

"Well now what." I wondered aloud. A smile broke onto his face.

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