Fourty six

545 8 1

I looked around the room, Heath making breakfast in the kitchen and Zane singing on the couch. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Well look who decided to wake up." Zane said turning the camera to me 'Miss. I'm gonna drink a whole coffee, spill it and not clean it up, in the middle of the night." Zane said and I rolled my eyes and just laughed.

"Heath told me to leave it." I said and plopped down on the sofa.

"That's bullshit. You told me you'd clean it up before you went to bed and my drunken ass just said yeah and went to bed!" He exclaimed and I just laughed and shook my, looking to Zane who was now filming and I just looked the camera dead in  lens and smiled.

"Hi, my names Jupiter and this is what it's like living with a cowboy." I said and Heath just bit his had on his hip and looked at me with a bitch look. "Two can play at that game."  I said and jumped over the couch, grabbing a ladle, pointing it at Heath.

"Uh no bitch, I don't think so." Heath said hitting the ladle away from him with his spatula.

"Bitch I know you did not just do that." I said looking at the ladle then back at Heath.

"Think again bitch." He said and let out a bitchy laugh before turning away. I hit him on the ass with the ladle and he turned on the spot.

"Bitch you better run." He said and I just leaped forward.

"And cut, thanks for the content guys." Zane said and I just smiled at Heath who let out a loud laugh. As I was about to sit down there was a knock st the door. I smirked.

"It's either gonna be Alex or Matt." I said and Zane just smirked. "Bitch y'all don't get any other visitors." I said and Heath just coughed. I opened the door and without looking walked back into the room. So guys who is it? I asked and Heath and Zane both looked, their smiles drooling from their faces. Mines dropping with there's. I didn't turn around, the smell of a familiar aftershave covering me in a blanket of sadness.

"We gotta go to Scotty's." Heath said, sending a stare above me. He pressed a kiss to my forehead before leaving. Zane pressed a kiss to my cheek and I still didn't move.

"Stay safe baby girl." Zane called back and I shut my eyes when the door shut. I walked over to the sofa and just leaned on it, facing out of the window so I didn't have to look into his eyes.  I didn't say anything, there was nothing I could say.

"George hasn't spoken to me in weeks." Matty spoke, his voice sending shivers down my spine. "Levi looks at me like I'm dirt." He said stepping closer, I closed my eyes tightly shut. "Ross and Adam speak to me but only vaguely." He said, moving closer to me and I shut my eyes tighter. He reached for my arm, his fingers grazing my skin. I pulled my arm back , turning around to face him. His face was pale, bags under his eyes, he had gotten skinnier, his hair was messy and clothes were thrown on, he was a mess.

"Don't touch me Matty, don't fucking touch me." I said and he looked at me, pain in his eyes and tears in my own.

"You hurt me! You told me you loved me, said I didn't love you back! Of course I did, only when I did show my love you shoved it back in my face!" I yelled, I didn't yell I hated yelling, if gave me anxiety. So when my chest tightened and my hands got sweaty, I closed my eyes and leaned on the back on the sofa.

"I'm sorry Jupiter." He said and I took deep breaths.

"Just go Matty, Alex will be here any minute." I said, he didn't though. He reached for my hand and I just shook my head, pulling it away again.

"Oi!" I heard a voice beam from the door, great. Matty and I both turned our heads and I quickly stood up. "What the fuck are you doing here mate?" Alex asked and Matty stumbled on his words.

"He came to apologise A, now just leave it. He's leaving anyways." I said and Alex grabbed my hand, looking over me to check I was okay. I smiled and looked back at Matty who just looked broken. "I'll show you to the door Matty." I said and Alex let go of my hand and I nodded towards the kitchen, he nodded back and went to make some food. Once Matty and I were at the door. I looked at him and realised how terrible he looked.

"Meet me at target tonight at 9." I said and he looked at me confused. I shut the door and sighed sadly. Walking back into the kitchen. Alex turned around, a strand of his hair falling onto his face. He opened his arms and I walked into them. Once again finding comfort in the arms of a man I trusted more than anyone.

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