chapter 1

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Doc was driving down on the road from his race but he hears crying on the road and saw a blanket on the road and open the blanket up and saw a human girl crying and gasped and took her to his home. Doc helped her to get better and got her warm milk and make her drink it. Doc said so your name is Sara so I am going to call you my daughter Sara Ann Hudson. Sara giggle and tapped Doc's tire and hug his tire and fell asleep. Doc smiled and fell asleep. Next morning Sara heard a sound and she got up and crawl to it and saw a truck looking for something. Sara crawl to the truck and tapped the wheel. Smokey said what are you. Doc said daughter there you are. Sara squeal and crawl to her dad. Somkey said what is it. Doc said she is not an it she's a human girl and my daughter I saw her abandoned on the road. Somkey said what who would abandoned a sweet child. Doc said her parents or something. Sara is two years old and she can speak and can walk but hurt her knees. Sara said papa. Doc and Somkey looked shocked. Doc said say that again dear. Sara said papa uncle Somky. Somkey said aww she calls me and uncle. Doc said yeah and she calls me dad. Sara said papa don't be sad be happy. Doc said aww sweetpea I will be happy for you. Sara giggle and got up and walked to her daddy and hug his tire. Somkey said she just walked to you Hudson. Doc said yep. Sara said love you papa. Doc said love you too dear. Sara is ten years old seeing her daddy racing with Smokey brought her in the race to see her daddy wins. Bob said oh no Hudson Hornet is losing control he is smashing and he crashed. Everybody gasped and Sara cried. Smokey said Sara it's okay. Sara ran out and ran to her daddy and hug him. Everybody looked at Sara and gasped and whisper. Doc said sweetpea go. Sara said no daddy I ain't leaving you because you are my daddy and I love you you can't die I love you so much. Doc said I ain't leaving you daughter you are my sunshine. Sara said you are too daddy I love you. Sara hug Doc and everybody cried and take pictures of the daughter and father who are hugging each other. After Doc was fix he got back with Sara and he was history so they left to a place called Radiator Spring and the doctor there gave Sara some water that heals her up and she and Doc stayed there and Sara turned twelve years old and she was with her uncles Sarge Fillmore and Ramone they are watching the light and Sara was reading a book with a reading light and hears sounds coming down the road and Sara saw her grandpa chasing a racecar. Sara said what is going on. Ramone said no clue. Sara grab her chair and book and ran to the side and saw the racecar run past them and Ramone yelling about scratche his paint job. Sara saw the road destroyed and saw Stanley Statue fly and went to the jackpot. Sheriff said boy you are alot of heep of trouble. Lightning pass out. Sara said grandpa is he dead. Sheriff said no dear he just pass out. Sara said oh. Sara was looking at the racecar. Sara said yep he is a racecar grandpa. Sheriff said well he just werck the town and he is going somewhere to sleep dear. Sara said okay love you grandpa. Sheriff said you too dear. Next morning Sara and Mater went to check on the racecar in the pound or something. Lightning said oh boy where am I. Mater said morning sleeping beauty. Lightning yelped and saw parking boot on him. Sara said morning my name is Sara Hudson and this is Mater. Lightning said Mater. Mater said yeah like Tuh Mater without the Tuh. Sara said you are in Raiator Springs a happy place I think. Lightning said oh great oh you are a human. Sara said yep I was abandoned by my parents or something when my daddy Doc found me on the road. Lightning said who would abandoned a beautiful child on the road. Sara said aww thank you. Lightning said no problem. Sheriff said Sara Mater what are you guys doing. Sara said he called me beautiful. Lightning said yep. Sheriff said okay. Sara said so what's your name. Lightning said names Lightning McQueen a racecar. Sara said I knew it I told you grandpa he is a racecar. Sheriff said okay well Mater tow him to the court. Sara Mater and Lightning are in the court and Doc came in mad about some car wreck the road. Sara said daddy you okay. Doc said no dear he wrecked the town. Sara said daddy it's okay I think that he can fix the road or something. Doc said okay you are going to fix the road and my daughter here will keep an eye on you. Lightning said okay. Sara said yay. Sara watch Lightning fixing the road. Sara said so how did you become a racecar. Lightning said well I always dream of being a racecar. Sara said well when I grow up I want a husband and kids and be a firefighter or a doctor or a pitcrew or something. Lightning said wow I think a pitcrew would be good. Sara said okay. Sara and Lightning talking about their life. Sara said yawn I am tired so boring. Lightning said amen to that. Sara cleaned Lightning's sticker and Lightning smiled. Lightning said Sara how about you fall asleep on me on my roof. Sara said okay. Sara got up and hop on Lightning's roof and fell asleep and Lightning kept working. Mater said McQueen why is Sara sleeping on your roof. Lightning said shhhh Mater are you trying to wake her up. Mater said no sorry. Lightning finished the road and took Sara to Doc. Lightning said Doc I am done. Doc said okay. Doc looked at his daughter on Lightning's roof and looked at Lightning. Lightning said she was tired so I told her she can sleep on my roof. Doc said thank you. Lightning said no problem. Sara open her eyes and got up and fall on the ground. Sara said owie. Lightning said you okay. Sara said I don't know. Doc said you don't have any injuries sweetpea. Sara said okay. Lightning said a hug will make you feel better. Sara hug Lightning and let go and went to find her grandpa. Lightning said Doc she is a fast terd. Doc said yep. Sara found her grandpa he is in pain. Sara said grandpa you okay. Sheriff said dear I'm fine. Sara said no you are not DADDY GRANDPA IS HURT. Sheriff said really. Sara said yep. Doc said Sheriff come on. Sara Doc and Sheriff went inside the clinic and Doc put Sheriff on a rolling thing. Sara lay down and color her coloring book and Lightning came in and fricked out. Doc said leave. Sara said you forgot the magic word. Doc said please leave. Lightning said okay bye. Sheriff said I hope you like the show. Sara said grandpa if you don't shut up I will bring the ducktap out. Sheriff said sorry dear. Sara saw Lightning in her daddy's garage and Sara went in. Sara said what are you doing bro. Lightning jumped and turn around saw Sara standing there. Lightning said your dad was a racer. Sara said yep. Sara turned light on and Lightning saw Sara and Doc hugging each other. Lightning said oh Doc crash. Sara said yep he thought he got a big welcome they said your history and me and my daddy move here. Lightning said oh sorry about that and sorry for coming in here. Sara said it's okay bro go on back to Flo's okay I will be there. Lightning said okay oh tell Doc sorry for finding out that he was a racer so I'm gonna keep it a secret when the time is right or ready. Sara said okay. Doc came in and saw his daughter looking at the newspaper about his crash. Sara said hey daddy. Doc said hello dear you okay. Sara said yeah Lightning saw the newspaper about your crash and he is sorry for finding out so he said that he will keep it a secret. Doc said okay go on to Flo's dear I will be there in a minute. Sara said okay daddy love you. Doc said you too dear. Sara left her daddy at the garage and went to Flo's. Sara said hi auntie Flo. Flo said hello honey how are you. Sara said good where's Lightning and sister Sally. Flo said out for a drive hun. Sara said okay. Flo gave Sara some milk and Sara drank it. Doc said hello everybody. Flo said hello Doc here is your can of oil. Doc said thank you Flo. Sara burped and Everybody laughed. Sara said so Lightning what is the big race. Lighting said well we have to win for the piston cup. Sara said boring winning doesn't make you famous it makes you mean to people cars whatever it's makes you want to rule the world. Lighting said huh well if I win I will not be out to rule the world except Chick Hicks. Sara said who's that. Lighting said Chick wants to win and hurt everybody. Sara said he cheats doesn't he. Lighting said yep. Doc said cheating makes you want to got to Hell. Sara said yep. Mater said Hey, listen, listen! If anybody aska you, we was out smashin' mailboxes, okay? Lightning said Wha... what? Rumbling. Sara said uh-oh run drive whatever. Sara ran and everybody drive away. Red stopped them by honking his horn. Luigi said No, no, no, no! Get out of the store! Guido chase the tracker. Luigi said Hey! Don't eat the radial! Here, take-a the snow tires. Sheriff said Mater! Mater said I wasn't tractor-trippin'! Sheriff said Then where did all these gol-durn tractors come from? Sargent is chasing the tractor that is chasing Fillmore. Whoa, boy whoa! Lighting laughed with Sara. Sara said come on my daddy is paractie come on. Lighting said okay hop on. Sara hop on Lightning's roof and they went to see Doc race. Sara and Lightning saw Doc racing and made and awesome turned and was finished. Sara said go daddy. Sara got off and hug Doc. Lightning said wow that was amazing. Doc said thanks. Sara said you still awesome daddy. Doc said thanks dear let's go don't tell anybody you two saw me racing. Sara said okay daddy. Lighting said yes sir. Sara said well this is boring. Lighting said what. Sara said oh nothing Chick Hicks the dumbass who want to cheat for his life. Doc said yep. Sara said sorry not to cuss around adults. Doc said it's okay Sara I forgive you and I won't tell anyone. Lighting said me too.

Bye guys until the next chapter Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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Bye guys until the next chapter Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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