♢Chapter 12♢

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Todoroki P.O.V
Me and Yaoyorozu walked down the steps out of her castle and to the carriage, my bag in my hand.
Sadly, today was the day I had to return to my own hell-I mean home.

Even though I was saddened that I had to leave today, I was happy with the week of freedom I had spent with Yaoyorozu. We went to the beach, played in the ocean, went to the One For All coronation, which was the best night of my life.

After we had that moment in the alleyway, we arrived just on time to see the coronation. King All Might was the first to show and talked about the history of the kingdom and about its previous King's and Queen's like the one that came before him, Queen Nana, who died in battle on the battlefield.

He then went on to who he chose and why, explaining how the boy he picked was one of the friendliest, caring and most brave person he had seen in the kingdom for a while. He then introduced the next King, Izuku Midoriya.

Midoriya was around mine and Yaoyorozu's age,  had green curly hair and looked very nervous, which I could understand, being the next King and having to stand in front of thousands of people from different Kingdoms.

After Midoriya had his own little speech, the party began. Yaoyorozu showed me to the castle and we were allowed inside to the royal party. However when the Knights asked who we were and the kingdom we come from, I was a bit hesitate to answer.

I'm the son of King Endeavor, the very man that threatens the One For All Kingdom and says that he will make sure that the kingdom goes up in flames and turns to ashes. I didn't want to be seen like my father, not at all. I hate my father.

Yaoyorozu was the first to speak, saying "I'm princess Momo Yaoyorozu, from the Yaoyorozu Kingdom". The Knights nodded and allowed her by, but then stopped me and asked who I was. I didn't speak for a moment, but replied with "Prince Shoto Todoroki from the Endeavor Kingdom".

Although one knight looked hesitate to allow me in and gave off a disturbed look, the other knight with blue like hair and red rectangle glasses allowed me to pass. I thank he and walked in, where Yaoyorozu was waiting for me.

We then entered the main ballroom where the party was, and just like Yaoyorozu told me, I met a lot of her friends like Uraraka, Kaminari, Jirou, Tusyu and a lot more. When I asked how they got in since most of them aren't royal, Yaoyorozu explained that they were personal invited by Midoriya.

Speaking of Midoriya, we also met him and he looked very excited to meet us. He asked who I was and I told him my name and he gave a smile. "Oh so your from the Endeavor Kingdom, right? To be honest, you look nothing like your father. He scares me if I'm being truthful" Midoriya told me, causing us both to chuckle.

It made me happy that at least the future King of the One For All Kingdom was on my side and had the same opinion on my father, and how he doesn't think I'm like my father.

That night was great, but I was extremely nervouse when King All Might came in and started talking to people. I would be lying if I said I wasn't trying my best to not be noticed by him. Like come on, I am the son of his rivalling enemy. Who knows what he would do if he found out I was here.

Sadly, he did notice me, Yaoyorozu and Midoriya and came over. I knew he knew Yaoyorozu already, and she also looked a bit shy and nervous when he talked to her. It was kind of funny when King All Might asked for a hand shake from Yaoyorozu, which she did. He chuckled and then said, "After all these year's, you aren't to shy to shake my hand".

I knew he was talking about when they first met, the one Yaoyorozu told me about, how she was to shy to shake King All Might's hand when she was younger.
Yaoyorozu just gave a chuckle and replied with a, "Yeah, I'm not that shy anymore".

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