♢Chapter 9♢

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Okay so I'm a little sick right now, but that ain't going to stop me from writing. Also, thank you all so so so so so so so freaking much for all the love and support from the last a/n ,it really helped.
The two teens ran down the brick pathway through the cherry-blossom garden, the petals fell to the ground slowly as the calm wind blew them around.

After a while, the two of them stopped to catch their breaths, taking in gulps of air. After a moment, Todoroki spoke. "Why we're we running?" He asked as he stood up straight. Yaoyorozu just chuckled. "I honestly don't know, I guess I just got a burst of energy" Yaoyorozu replied as she stood up straight.

She looked around to see what they could do. To be honest, there wasn't really anything to do. All there was around them was tree's, tree's, and...yep, more tree's. Deciding to give up, Yaoyorozu spoke.

"Let's just sit down, I need to take a break" Yaoyorozu told Todoroki as she pointed to a cherry-blossom tree and walked over to it, sitting down and leaning her back against it. Todoroki just stood in his place, until Yaoyorozu patted a patch of grass next to her, telling him to sit down.

Understanding, Todoroki made his way over and sat next to Yaoyorozu, shoulder to shoulder. The two of them didn't talk for a while, just enjoying the moment, the scenery, the smell of the fresh grass and cherry-blossoms, and each others company.

"You know" Yaoyorozu spoke, causing Todoroki to turn his attention to her. "When I was younger, me and my mom use to hang out here in the garden's a lot. We would play hide and seek, I would climb tree's, we would run after one another in a game of tag, or we would just sit down like this and my mother would read my favourite stories to me" Yaoyorozu told the multi coloured haired boy, smiling at the memories.

As she spoke, Todoroki listened to every word,and smiled at how happy Yaoyorozu looked as she thought back on the memories. However, Todoroki's smile faded into a frown. He never had that kind of love from his parent's. His father didn't care for him at all, and although he knew his mother loved him very much, Todoroki never spent much time with her, cause she had to stay by his father's side most of the time.

"Also". Todoroki turned back to Yaoyorozu, who now turned to face him, a nervous expression on her face, as she fidgeted with her hands. "I wanted to ask you something, but didn't want to in case you would get angry at me, or are uncomfortable about talking about it" Yaoyorozu asked Todoroki.

Todoroki gave her a confused stare. "You can ask me, I won't mind" Todoroki reassured her, giving her a small smile to show he was okay with whatever question she may ask. Yaoyorozu took in a breath before pointing to her left eye.

"How did you get that scare on you eye?" She asked quietly, avoiding eye contact, scared that he was now annoyed at her. Todoroki didn't answer, not right away. Yaoyorozu looked back at him, to see Todoroki had a sad frown on his face.

Yaoyorozu panicked, scared that she had hurt his feelings or offended him or did something wrong. "I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked" Yaoyorozu told Todoroki, now feeling horrible for asking such a personal question.

"No its okay. I'm just surprised you didn't ask sooner to be honest" Todoroki reassured Yaoyorozu, hoping to calm her down, which did work a little bit.
"I was only around 7, maybe 8 I think" Todoroki began. "At the time, my mother was terrified of my father, shaking when he was in the same room as her. When he wasn't, she would be crying, asking why her life was like this and why she was stuck in that miserable place. I did whatever I could to comfort her, which did help her a bit".

"However one day, she was having what the staff called a 'meltdown'. She was crying to one of the cooks how she was so scared, how she was going to die there. By the time I got there, my mother was saying how I was looking more like my father and how she was scared that I would be like him". Todoroki spoke, frowning at the memory.

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