They find out they have a crush on you (Short)

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Added on the 25th of June 2018 (This chapter didn't exist before)

~~~~Key Words~~~~

Y/n ~ Your Name


Stanley "Stan" Marsh:

Stan was talking with Kyle and Kenny when you and Bebe walked passed the boys talking and giggling Stan stopped talking as he felt like he was going to throw up he quickly ran to the nearest trash can and threw up Kyle and Kenny's eyes widen "Dude! You like Y/n!" Kyle whisper yelled "I guess so.." he nodded smiling "But what about Wendy?" Kenny asked a bit muffled because of his parkla "Oh fuck Wendy..." He groaned while the other two laughed.

Kyle Broflovski:

Kyle and you have become close friends witch Cartman hates, you and Kyle were walking to your house to study while walking there you threw a snowball at him he looked at you with a playful glare "Oh your dead!" He joked you squealed and ran ahead of him he followed and happened to be faster then you so he tackled you down into a pile of snow you two laughed and while you were laughing Kyle kept looking at you with a soft smile and blush on his cheeks "I like her a lot"  he thought to himself.

Kenneth "Kenny" McCormick:

Kenny watched as you started to cry because of Red she had punched you and now you have a bruised eye Kenny was going to step up for you but...Craig had done it first he watched with rage and jealousy as Craig threatened Red and after she left he hugged you comforting you and making you stop crying truth be told Kenny had a crush on you since he first met you in 1st grade now being 4th grade he had a crush on you for 3 years now, Kenny sighed thinking how he will confess to you after a few more day's or so.

Eric Theodore Cartman:

After Cartman had saw he was in the end of the list he started bugging you at school to put him even just a spot above but you stood your ground "Sorry Cartman. But the girl's have voted!" You said in a soft tone he growled "How come I heard Kyle was supposed to be at the end, you bitch!" He snapped you shrugged "I don't know...well if it makes you feel better I think you should be a few spots above but...I don't want the girl's against me" you explained and walked away from a blushing Cartman he felt his cheeks with his chubby fingers "Ah, fuck" he cursed to himself he knew had a crush on you.

Craig Tucker:

You smirked as you walked into the classroom late "Y/n! Why are you late?" Mr.Garrison fumed you shrugged "Don't know. But I don't care either" "Y/n! I do not like your behavior!" He warned "And I don't like your prissy attitude but hey you don't hear me complaining" the others laughed at your jokes making you smile Craig watched with adoration in his eyes a small smile made it's way on his face he chuckled as you got sent to the principal's office he stood up from his seat catching everyone's attention "Mr. Tucker? Everything alrigh--Did you just flip me off?!" Mr.Garrison was fuming mad and sent him to the principal's office as well he didn't want to leave his crush alone for a full class period now would he?

Tweek Tweak:

Tweek and the rest of the boy's watched as you help train Stan for a football game you had the ball and were running getting ready to throw the ball that would be worth a 3 pointer Stan tried tackling you but you were to fast and dodged him making the cheerleaders also your friends cheer for you Tweek smiled as he watched you dance in victory he thought you looked cute even though your kinda muddy from being tackled a couple times he didn't care he and you were great friends after that day you met he blushed when you came and hugged him he then knew he had a crush on you.

Leopold "Butters" Stotch: 

You being silent all the time based off of your past lead you to not having many friends the only friend's you had were your cousin Craig, his group, the goths and Butters the other kids didn't like that you were silent and chose not to talk to you anymore, you could be often found at the back of the school with the goths as you went by the nickname SilentScream Butters wanted to make you talk again and smile so he had you as a best friend till his feelings grew stronger seeing you with some make up (eyeliner cuz your a goth) and tight fitted black clothing made him blush you caught on to this and blushed as well looking at a wall he let out a love sick sigh and skipped off to class.

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