Rebirth - A Bucky Barns Fanfiction.

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His old identity was gone. Wiped out. Like if someone had erased all of his memories of it as well. As for now, he was wandering the cold streets of New York. Still in his old garments, the mask covering parts of his face. Also, as he claimed to have lost everything, he did not know what to do for now.

He had nowhere to go, no one to talk to. No one he ever remembered. HYDRA had done a marvelous job when they 'wiped him' over and over again.

He continued to walk down the streets, pulling of his mask and carrying it in his hand as he came to a more isolated area where he knew people wouldn't notice him. It was late at night, so by now everyone would be sleeping or doing other things beside staring at him through their bedroom windows. His arm hurt, he had a few bruises and there was a bullet in his abdominal that didn't help much either. Sure, he could take the pain and heal better than any human he knew off, but he had gotten used to the HYDRA men taking care of his wounds. That's part of what they did to him. Wake him up, send him out on a assassination, fix him up, wipe his memory, and then they froze him again until they next needed him. The whole progress repeated, except this time.

This time he had enough. This time he ran.

He didn't know what to do. The guy he was meant to kill had said he was his friend, and was willing to die rather than to hurt him. He said that his name was Bucky, but the only name he knew was Soldier. The Winter Soldier.

The Soldier shakes his head slightly, trying to stop his thoughts from distracting him. He stops walking when he see's some apartments, and figures he could quickly go in and find something to help his wounds.

He climbs through the window at the back of the building, the window that was obviously for the kitchen. He carefully lifts his leg over a vase as he climbs through, but his vision was blurry from blood loss from the bullet in his wound that when he finally climbed through the window he fell off the kitchen counter and onto the floor.

The fall itself makes a loud thump noise, but he doesn't realise as he was too focused on the pain he felt. His head hurt, and he felt so vulnerable compared to how he normally was that it was almost making him wish HYDRA was there to take away his pain with a few tablets and having a doctor to come in to stitch him up.

He stands, and starts looking through the kitchen cupboards to find something to take away the pain, such as those tablet things he didn't know the name of. Beside feeling vulnerable, he was still trained to be an assassin. He was not stupid, and he knew when someone was about to attack him.

He turns around straight away to block a punch that a woman through at him. She steps back after his block, and examines the man with curiosity. Suddenly, he sees a small pocket knife in her hands and he looks back towards her, raising his eyebrow in a challenging manner.

She doesn't break eye contact, and holds his knife up steadily, "Who are you, and what do you want?"

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