Ow. I didn't think it would hurt this much. Victor really doesn't want me to mess up with the girl this time. Last time I was 'careless' with another subject. The fact he calls them subjects as if these people are some sort of lab rats, is all the more reason why I do 'careless' things. They're people to, just like me. I should stop though, he may try and hurt Camila. Victor tells me that he has her locked up somewhere, and uses her as a way to ensure I cooperate. As if threatening to kill me isn't reason enough for me to cooperate, of course he has to bring my sister into this. She's only a child, i'm only a child. Oh! I need to go I need to go.

*I walk out, go the room filled with clothes used for the people we experiment on, and bring the girl some shorts and a tank top. Victor only keeps clothes that show a lot of skin, it's easier to do the injections that way. Before I knock on her door I hear her singing*

Her singing voice is beautiful. I feel even worse for what i'm about to do in the lab.

*I knock at her door and walk in*

"I brought you a change of clothes, change into them and i'll be waiting outside for you to finish. Once your done i'll blindfold you and take you to the lab." I said setting the clothes down

"What lab?" She asks

*I turn around and shut the door without answering her*

Her bruises are getting better, but she's still uneasy when me or Cal get near her. I wonder what happened to her. I want her to know that she can trust me, although it's hard to trust someone under the circumstances. Hopefully she finds that i'm not anything like my uncle, the boy who was with her in the trunk never got to. Sometimes Cal takes things too far, although I know he only does this to protect his family. Victor's got something on all of his minions to ensure we cooperate. None of us are truly that evil. Just doing what we gotta do, to protect the people we love. Maybe it's easier not to love, that way it isn't turned against you and used to make you do evil things. Love made Cal kill that boy. Death was too soon for him, it's always too soon.

*I hear the girl crack open the door*

"Done?" I ask


*I turn her around to blindfold her so she isn't aware of the way to the lab or the way back to her room*

Her hands are trembling, is she frightened? I feel bad i'm forced to give off that effect, but I can't ever show the patients my unfiltered side. Victor makes it very clear that i'm not ever allowed to act as a friend to any of them, or show them any kindness. "They're subjects, do what needs to be done. Nothing more and nothing less. Don't be foolish" He says on a regular basis. I'm usually foolish, which is why i'm always struck with the whip.

*We reach the lab, and I guide her to sit in the lab recliner chairs, and strap her down. Then I remove her blindfold*

"What are you gonna do to me?" She asks

"Nothing I haven't done before" I answer bluntly

*I grab a syringe, and pour the Viper solution slowly into the syringe. I stand there shaking the syringe like an idiot*

I should start now. Why am I stalling, why am I standing here delaying the experiment. Because I don't want to hurt another person. Especially her, she's already fearful. But I have to.

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