My friend, Diesel

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It had been seven months since you've moved across state lines to the east coast, transferring to a different college. You wanted to become a character design artist for the gaming industry, and this college also had a game development major. You'd worked very hard to get yourself here, you were enthused beyond compare to just make it big one day as a great character design artist.

You'd made a few friends in this short time. Three girls named Rebecca, Naomi, and Tasha, and four guys named Joseph, Michael, Jessie and finally Diesel. The one who caught your attention most, was Diesel. He always made you laugh. His quirky nature, quick wit and meme knowledge made you absolutely excited for between class time. You'd normally hang out with your usual group of friends, but you would always stay close to Diesel. He would tell you about these topics he wanted to talk about as he was a YouTuber in his spare time and wanted your opinion on topics. He asked to meet you out on the steps of the school on the west end to talk, you happily obliged.

"So, what do you think about the new Logan Paul video?" Diesel said, his left hand on his chin, his elbow propped, and resting on his knee.
"I could do without the constant merch plugs, but I'm just not too sure if there's much to say." You looked to him, his dark brown eyes focused on you intently.
"Well, what do you mean by that?" He said looking down to his G-Fuel shaker cup, picking it up and taking a swig from it.
"It's just, there's not much to say about Logan. He doesn't do much out of the usual hype beast culture. Loud screaming, over exaggeration, day to day life crap, merch plugs. He isn't interesting."
Diesel sighed, placing his G-Fuel shaker on the floor.
"Yeah, I'm just needing views and you know the Pauls get views." He said, his shoulders slumping after a shrug.
"What's wrong Diesel, you're not your usual chipper self." You said playfully punching his shoulder lightly. Diesels eyes shifted to the floor.
"I just need a good idea. The only thing trending right now is Yanny vs Laurel and I'm not about to cover that." He said, rolling his eyes and bringing his G-fuel back up to his lips to take another swig.
"Why not collaborate with WildSpartanz or Kwite?" You suggested. These were Diesels best friends. They always got up to some hijinks together. Whenever Diesel would invite you to his dorm at times he'd be on Discord with them, recording his podcast LoudMouths or just playing games and talking about memes.
"We record LoudMouths tomorrow, so I'm not sure honestly." Diesels brow furrowed. "It may be hard to pin them down for a proper video with their schedules."
Diesel was lost in thought for a moment. You watched him. He was very handsome, you liked the way he wore his hats, his accent, his skin tone, his curly brown hair. You couldn't help but just stare. Diesel noticed you staring at him and laughed.
"I know I'm beautiful but it wont fade anytime soon."
You reeled in your thoughts, and your cheeks flushed. Diesel laughed his notable laugh, and stood up.
"Come on, you should come with me to my room. Maybe you can film a video with me."
His hand extended. You grabbed hold of his hand and he pulled you up. His grip on your hand was firm. He was strong, and you obviously had a crush.

First Person Seduction, Diesel.Where stories live. Discover now