Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 4

Start from the beginning


"Hello? Mr. Conway? It's Mrs. Perry. I'm so sorry to interrupt your class time but I would you please send Charlotte Hunt to my office please? Okay. Okay thank you."

She hung up the phone and looked at me. "Um.. what do I do?" I asked. "Stay seated. Now. Sweetie what is your name again? Full name." She asked me. "Golden Freddy.." I replied. "Okay thank you hun." I nodded. I set my bag down beside me and rested my head on my hands. "Oh wow." She said shocked. I looked up at her with my eyes. "You have almost perfect grades. You have a GPA of 3.87 in your last three years. Oh wow. You had a 4.2 your freshman year. Good job Goldie. I'm proud of you for working so hard." She told me. I grinned at her. I lost it quickly when my eyes filled with tears. I looked down at the floor and felt my tears fall. "Goldie?" She asked my name. I accidentally let out a quiet sob. I covered my mouth trying to hide it. I heard her get out of her chair and walk to me. She grabbed my bag and put a arm around my back. "Come on sweetie. Let's go talk somewhere more private." She told me and made me stand up. She reached over and grabbed a couple tissues and handed them to me. I took them and wiped my eyes. She lead me out into the hallway and walked me down it. We stopped as she peaked into another counselors room. "Hey keep an eye out for Charlotte Hunt for me. I need to take this young man to a private room." She told him. "What's happening?" He asked as he stood up. "She tried to force sexual actions on him." He opened his eyes widely. "I'll be glad to deal with her. Yes take him to a room alone. I'll come check up on him in a minute." He told her. She nodded and made me follow her again. "Right this way hun." She lead me to a door and opened it. "I'll be right back okay? Do you want me to call your friend you was with earlier?" She asked me. "Um.. no.. it's fine.." I told her. "Okay. I'll be back in 5 minutes." She said and shut the door. I looked around the room and it was pretty blank. Except for a table and a few chairs. "Why do you have to be so emotional Goldie.. you've been this way your entire life.." I told myself quietly.

I jumped when I heard the door open again. "So sorry to bother you Goldie but I wanna ask you s few questions. Is that okay?" That male counselor came in and asked. He had Charlotte with him as well. "Um.. okay.." I replied. He came in and sat her down. He sat next to her across from me. "I don't know why we are doing this. We are both 18. It's not like it's illegal." She told him. "It is when you force someone to do that. If they aren't accepting of it or want it, it is illegal. Also known as rape." He told her. "I don't care if he's a male. Females do it to. Not as common but it can happen. And you basically proclaimed rape on this young man." He spoke loudly to her. "But I didn't do anything to him physically." She told him. "Goldie. What did she do to you?" He asked me. "Don't be shy or nervous." He said once again. "She kept getting on my lap and getting really close to me. She didn't do anything exactly but-" "it doesn't matter. If she did something physical or if she tried. It's the same thing. I will not allow this in my school." He told her and slammed his hand down on the table. I looked behind me when my counselor came in. "Goldie can we please call the young man you was with earlier? Was he one of the witnesses?" She asked me. "Kinda yeah. He wasn't there but.." "I'm still calling him. What's his name?" She asked. "Freddy Fazbear." I told her. She nodded and walked out.

"Now! What you did was wrong and unforgivable. Once again, I don't care if he's a male or 18. If he didn't want it, especially if you aren't his girlfriend and he doesn't know you, it's considered rape." He told her. She crossed her arms and just looked at him. "That's not possible. It's the other way around sir." She told him. "No. It's more rare but it happens to males as well." He told her. "Let's just wait till his friend gets here." He told us. "Why? He wasn't even there." "I'm pretty sure he knows more about this young man then me and you combined. I feel like we can trust him." He told her.
We waited in silence till freddy and my Councelor came back. Didn't take too long till they arrived. They came in and the Councelor shut the door behind them. "Sit down freddy." The other counselor told him. He sat next to me and looked around. "Um.. why am I here?" Freddy asked. "Freddy. Is it true that Charlotte performed sexual actions on goldie?" He asked him. "Um.. well.. I would say yes cause I came to his house yesterday and he was crying. His dad told me that he was really upset for some reason so I came as quick as I could. And that's when I found him crying on the floor.." he told them. The counselor looked at Charlotte. "You know what. You're expelled." He told her. "What?!" She yelled. "Yep. I'm not dealing with this. You're lucky I don't call the police." He told her. "No! This is nonsense! I'm getting expelled cause of a stupid idiot?! A dork that didn't want to do anything?!" "If I was you, I'd point those words to someone who deserves them. And that someone is you." He told her. 'Damn..' I thought. "Let's go." He told her and stood up. "No! I'm not going! I've worked so hard to get to where I am now! You can't just expel me because of this! This is Goldie's fault!" I perked my ears. "It's not Goldie's fault! He's not the one that tried to have sex with you without your permission!" Freddy yelled at her and stood up. The counselor grabbed her arm and pulled her out. "You'll pay for this goldie! I don't even know why we are doing this! Did you tell everyone that your freaking gay?! Huh! Maybe that'll change everything!" She yelled as he shut the door and pulled her out. I felt my heart start to pound. I looked at Freddy with my eyes. He just sat down slowly. "Goldie?" He asked. "I'll leave you two alone.." my counselor told us and walked out. I looked at him slowly. "Y- you're gay..?" He asked softly. I swallowed hard and nodded. "Is.. this what you wanted to tell me?" He asked. I nodded sadly. I lowered my head and looked the other direction. I felt him grab my hand and hold it. "Goldie you should have told me.. what had made you think it'd ruin our friendship..?" He asked. I stood up and grabbed my bag. "I'm going to class now.." I told him. "What? Why? Goldie we need to talk about this.." he told me. I quickly turned around and walked to the door. I felt him grab my shoulder and turn me around. I looked at him quickly. "There's nothing to be discussed! Leave me alone freddy!" I yelled and ran out of the room and slammed the door shut.

Between 2 Hearts [Goldie X Freddy]Where stories live. Discover now