• part 4 ♡

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• first POV •

I woke up to the sound of Belch's car honking, which meant Victor would be gone that day. I would've walked downstairs to tell him goodbye, but I felt rather cautious if anyone else was down there since I was wearing pajamas.

I saw a note on the fridge, which was normal.
At Henry's, I'll be back by 7.

I sighed and opened the fridge to get a juice, but there was none, which meant I had to go off to the store.
I shut the fridge and made my way upstairs to my room. Today I was feeling like wearing something nice.

I picked out a peach colored cropped tank top, some rolled jean shorts, and dirty white Nikes. Since I had nothing planned I figured I might as well go to the store and get some groceries.

I put my messy hair into a ponytail and quickly paced out my room and downstairs. I unlocked the door and made my way into the warm crisp air.

The streets were pretty empty besides a few houses where people were playing basketball in their front yard. I decided to stop by Eddies house since his house was at the end of my street.

I walked up his driveway and up to the door. Should I knock? Or..?
I decided to just climb up to his window seal and knock on it.

There was a small fenced area on the side so I could climb up. I carefully stepped my foot on the side and pulled myself up by grabbing a branch. When I made it up there I carefully crawled to his window side.

"Eddie? Eddie!"
I whisper shouted. He quickly opened the door confused.

"What are you doing here?" He said looking back to make sure his mom wasn't standing in his doorway,
"I wanted to make sure you were okay, and also apologizing for not helping much."

He thanked me and we talked for a few minutes before he said he heard his mom.
"I'll see you later!" I shouted sliding down and hopping off the branch.

I decided I should probably get some groceries since I was starving, but that got delayed since when I was walking to the store I passed by the arcade and saw Richie.

"Whatcha doing Tozier?"
I said smirking as I rested my head on the arcade. "See that guy I'm fighting, I'm pretending it's Bill."
"Richie, you guys are gonna have to forgive each other soon." I said grinning.

He stopped and paused the game, "What are you doing anyways?" He said confused.
"Well I was off to the store when I saw you wasting your time playing-" I paused to look at the game on the screen,

He rolled his eyes and stood up, "I'll join you for a shopping spree."
I grinned and started walking. "Come on Richie, we don't want to be late."

"Ok, so I only brought money for just necessities so- Richie we don't need strawberry sprinkled donuts!"
He rolled his eyes and put them back, "So what do you eat for breakfast then?" He said looking at me while I put some fruit in the basket. "Toast." I replied smiling.

"Disgusting!" He retorted extending out the s'.

"Okay Rich, I have everything I need." I said looking down at the cart and putting away the ice cream that was in there.
"Okay I'm gonna put these up, bye Richie!" I yelled to him as we parted ways, him back to the arcade and me to my house.

I quickly put the groceries up so I could call Beverly and check on her but before I got there the phone rang.
"Beverly? Oh, hey Bill. I'm okay, no Vic is at Henry's. Now? Okay I'll be there, bye."

I quickly slipped my shoes back on and ran upstairs to apply some makeup, you know why? Cause the Bill Denbrough just invited me to the diner.
I applied a light cote of lipstick, some mascara and a bit of nude eyeshadow. I ran downstairs and grabbed my peach colored purse from the coat hanger and got my key.

I ran out into the streets and skipped down the streets looking into every shop.
When I finally got to the diner I saw Bill fidgeting with his hands sitting in a booth alone.
I blushed and opened the door, which caused the bell above to ring.

He looked up and did an awkward smile. I started walking towards him and smiled when I sat across from him.
"H-h-Hey k-Kenzie." He stuttered, I laughed and nodded. "We meet again, Denbrough."I smiled.

"What can I get for you two?" The waitress said walking up to us with a notepad and pen in one hand and a plate I'm another.
"Uhh, c-c-can I have a vanilla milkshake a-a-and a b-burger." He said looking at the menu to her and back again. "I will take a chocolate milkshake, and a thing of fries." I said smiling handing her the menu. She nodded and walked away.

"I talked to Richie and Eddie today." I said breaking the silence. "O-oh." He frowned looking down. "No, not like that. I stopped by eddies to make sure his arm was better, and I ran into Richie and he helped me do my grocery shopping at the super save." I said quickly not trying to sound nervous.

He did a grin and looked back up. "D-d-do you wanna go to the B-b-Barrens tomorrow?" He smiled looking at me as our food was set in front of us. I nodded and took a sip of my milkshake.

After about two hours of talking it was getting late and we needed to be home by curfew. I got up and Bill followed me, I didn't know but he had already payed so I could comply.
"C-can I walk you home?" He said putting his jacket on. I thought for a second and figured I had enough time until Vic would be home.

When we got to my house Bill walked me up to my room. It was moderately sized, and had a bookshelf with some of my scrapbooks I had. The room was tan, and I had a few little cactus plants, and my bed was white.

"So what about you and S-s-Stan?" Bill said sitting down on my little couch I had in front of my window. "Stanley?" I said as I sat across from him on my bed, "He's like a brother to me." I said smiling since I could tell a sense of relief in his eyes.

"What about you and Bev?" I said raising my eyebrows as I rested my arm on the pillow. "S-s-same, close bond l-l-like siblings. I was wanting t-t-to ask you something-" I cut him off because I heard the front door close.

"Shit! That's Vic, s-s-sorry Bill but you have to go before he sees you." I said pulling him up to his feet. "I just wanted t-t-to do-" I quickly shushed him. "Kenz? You home?" I heard Vic shout.

"Bill, he normally goes to his room so make your shot and run outside now!" I said opening my door before he kissed my cheek. I looked at him in shock and he turned into a nervous look. I smiled and slightly pushed him out.

He quickly made his way down the hallway and to the stairs. I took a deep breath and plopped down on my bed sighing.
I almost fell asleep before I heard. "Come down stairs now!"

I slowly paced down the steps and saw Vic standing there crossing his arms. "Ohhh... heyyyy" I said holding out the letters. "Explain yourself." He said getting angry.

I start fidgeting with my hands, but I decided to get it over with. I explained everything to him. "Please don't tell Henry.." I said frowning. He nodded and hugged me. "Just as long as you're happy." He said smiling. That made me happy to know that my brother actually accepted it.

♡ bill denbrough • ᴍσɴσρʜσʙια ♡Where stories live. Discover now