• part one ♡

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Everyone's favorite time of the year, when the can relax and not have to worry about the stress of school. But that was not the case for a group of kids in Derry, Maine.

A small petite girl, by the name of Kenzie Criss, stood between Henry and Victor. She held her book close to her chest and listened as Henry ranted about some of the teachers he hated.

The blonde girl had always been close to her older brother, since they were only a year apart. Everyone in the bowers gang thought of her as a sister and always were protective over her.

She glanced as a group of boys walked by, making eye contact with a boy named Bill. Ever since his brother went missing she wanted to tell him about how she understands his struggle, but never could cause of Henry.

It was extremely difficult this year. Her parents left the two children to defend for themselves, and the girls childhood friend Betty went missing a few months back.

"I'm gonna wait outside." She said before walking away from the group. She wanted to talk to the group of friends known as 'the losers club' but when she stepped out into the warm heat they were gone.

As she began to walk away she heard a familiar sigh. Greta. The girls best friend every since Betty went missing. She walked into the bathroom and watched Greta kick the stall.

She smirked at Greta and they both nodded looking at the trash.
"Are you in there by yourself Beverly, or do you have half the guys in the school with you,
huh slut?"

That name sounded familiar to Kenzie, then it clicked. Beverly Marsh.

After Greta harassed her she watched one of the girls drag a trash bag into the stall next to hers. This was going to be hard to watch, but her adrenaline was rushing over.

"You're trash." Greta snickered, "we just wanted to remind you."
And with that, the trash spilled all over the poor girl.

"Have a nice summer Beverly!" Greta laughed before walking out. The girl looked at the stall as the door swung open revealing a familiar red haired girl.

She sighed before walking out, meeting with her brother as he gave her a confused look and she shook it off.

The four boys walked alongside each other, as the girl tagged along beside her brother.

"So, I think I'm gonna tell Mr Crabrock how much of a mother fucker he is next year." Belch concluded as the group burst out with laughter.

"You say that every year." The girl exclaimed earning a smile from Henry. But that soon faded as she realized he was watching the losers.

Henry split up from the group and started walking along side towards them. She watched Belch walk to the car waiting for them to finish their tormenting.

Henry grabbed Richies bag and pulled it, causing him to fall back against Stan. She knew this wasn't going to end well.

"Nice frisbee, flamer"
Patrick snickered as he threw Stan's Kippah. Stan tried reaching for it but he threw it at the moving bus. "Fucking losers."

Henry pushed alongside bill and started walking away. Victor stood to his right, and the girl next to Vic.

"You s-s-s-suck Bowers."

This was going to be the end of everything. Looking up at Henry she watched his face turn to an angry tone.
"You s-s-s-say something? B-b-b-b-billy? You got a free ride this year cause of your little brother. Rides over Denbrough."

He was about to become Physical when everyone heard the familiar buzz of his dads walky-talky. Thank goodness.

The girl, with her hands to her side, signaled at Eddie for them to not say anything, but when Eddie took notice so did Vic.

"Quit looking at my sister, little germ." Vic retorted as Eddie wheezed, quickly taking out his inhaler. She felt extremely bad for them.

"This summer's gonna be a hurt train, for you and your faggot friends." Henry said as disturbingly licked his hands and pressed it against Bills face.

The group started walking away but before the girl fully made it to the road she turned around mouthed sorry to the group of boys before turning around and making her way to the car.

'I wish he'd go missing.'
'He's probably the one doing it.'

♡ bill denbrough • ᴍσɴσρʜσʙια ♡Where stories live. Discover now