•part 2♡

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• first POV •

This was how my summer was going to be. Tormenting kids for Henry's enjoyment, and none of them cared about how Patrick was missing.

I had no say in anything, recently Henry starting become very aggressive when me or the others didn't want to do something with him. I was scared, but I did it for my own safety.

I was standing off to the sides as Henry pressed his foot against mikes face, which was on top of raw meat. The smell was making me sick. I felt extremely bad for mike since he seemed really nice, but I didn't have a say.

When Henry was attacked Ben, i was the one who told him to stop, thankfully Ben got away before Henry could've got more physical that what was already going on.

I was snapped out of thought by the sound of Belch kicking Mike, then Henry proceeded to get on top of him.

I yelled for him to stop but he just told Belch to grab me.
"GET OFF OF ME." I yelled.

I struggled to get out of his grip but I wasn't strong enough.
"No!" I yelled as Henry held a rock up to Mike's head.

I watched a rock fly at us and hit Henry right on the forehead causing Belch to let go of me. I fell down and crawled off to the side. When I looked over I noticed it was the kids from school.

Mike started crawling off to them but I stayed off to the side, not wanting to start conflict with the guys.

"You losers are trying too hard. She'll do you, you just gotta ask nicely."

Who was he talking about? I looked over to see Beverly Marsh. The girl from the restroom.

There was a loud yell and a rock came flying at the guys earning a few 'What the fuck's.

I watched a Beverly picked up a rock and threw it hitting Henry. Oh no, shits about to go down.

Richie yelled rock war before being hit directly in the face with a rock, which was kind of funny, but I also felt bad cause it his face.

It was quite humorous watching Eddie going farther out than the others and actually getting good hits on them. Vic, and Belch ran off to the woods, and Henry laid there.

Bill looked at me and helped me up. I kept my head down and watched as the boys looked at me like I was some kind of monster, which I probably was for being rude to them.

"A-a-a-are you o-k-k?"
Bill questioned me. I looked up and made direct eye contact with him. I nodded and let go of his hand before turning around to look at Henry, who did not look happy whatsoever.

We started walking away before Richie yelled, "Go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole" and flipping him off.

We began walking down a field not saying a word until Mike spoke up. "Thanks Guys, but you shouldn't have done that. He'll be after you too now."

Since I was at the end I stopped walking for a second to think about that, but quickly caught back up.

We made it downtown to where a festival was going on. Richie started playing a euphonium before the marcher pulled it out of his grip.
'What the fuck dude?'

♡ bill denbrough • ᴍσɴσρʜσʙια ♡Where stories live. Discover now