Chapter 15

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I am dedicating this chapter to @singtomesoftly because she made the fabulous cover for this fanfic! It's amazing isn't it? Thank you so much for making it for me!♥

Nicole's POV

I woke up to the alarm I set on my phone the night before. It was 8:30 A.M. and my ultra sound appointment was at 10:00. I realized that Louis' arms were not wrapped around me...he wasn't in bed? I pushed the covers off of me and got out of the bed. Where was he? I wondered into the bathroom to take a shower. After I got out of the cold shower, I went back into Lou's room. I put on an over-sized blue and white striped jumper, some high-waisted black leggings, and my black flats. For accessories I put on a few bracelets. I put a middle part in my hair and left it in it's natural wavy state. I put on some natural looking makeup, and traipsed down the stairs into the kitchen. Today Jay took the girls out to the shops, so it was only Louis and I left in the house. Lou was cooking my favourite breakfast, french toast and banana nut bread. I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso, and resting my chin on his shoulder. He turned around and kissed my nose. "Good morning lovey. I was going to bring you breakfast in bed, but I guess that plan is ruined." he said, letting out a sigh. I kissed his cheek, and wiped away the lip gloss that it left behind. "I'm sorry babe, I couldn't sleep any longer, and I needed to get ready." I said, thinking about the ultra sound. I was nervous to go to the appointment, I don't know what to expect. "It's alright love." he said flashing me a wide grin. "You seem sad, what's wrong?" he said, his eyes full of concern. I guess I hadn't realized the worried expression that crept onto my face. "Not sad...just worried. I'm a bit nervous for the ultra sound. What if there's something wrong with the baby? What if I can't do this?" I groaned, a lump forming in my throat. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him. "Nicole our baby is perfect. There is no need to be worried. And you can do this, we can do this." he chirped, kissing my forehead. "Have I mentioned that I love you?" I asked, with a massive smirk playing upon my lips. "Only everyday." he said with a cheeky grin his face, "I love you, and I love our child." he said moving his gaze from my eyes to my stomach. I had an almost invisible baby bump, but it was there.

He continued to cook the breakfast while I was sat at the counter watching him. He was in dark skinny jeans that were rolled up at the bottom and a tan cable-knit sweater. His shiny light brown hair was in it's messy but flawless state. His ice blue eyes glancing up at me every now and then. He is so fit. I was snapped out of the trance Louis put me under, when he took a seat next to me. He handed me a plate that was piled with two pieces of french toast and a piece of banana nut bread. We both began to eat the lovely breakfast that Lou had made. When we both were finished, we put our plates in the dishwasher and checked what time it was. It was 9:45, so we decided it was time to head to the hospital. I grabbed my tan fringed bag, put my raybans on, and followed Louis out the door. We got into the car, and Louis immediately turned on the radio. "I wanna put you in a good mood." he said with a mischevious grin on face. I knew what he was going to do. He was going to sing to me. And not in his sex god voice, he was going to sing to me in his off-tune rebecca black resembling voice. Teenage Dream by Katy Perry came on the radio, and Lou began to sing to me. "YOU THINK I'M PRETTY WITHOUT ANY MAKEUP ON. YOU THINK I'M FUNNY WHEN I TELL THE PUNCH LINE WRONG." he practically screamed right in my ear. I couldn't help but burst into laughter. He continued singing and I continued giggling. "YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE I'M LIVING A TEENAGE DREAM, THE WAY YOU TURN ME ON. I CAN'T SLEEP, LET'S RUN AWAY AND DON'T EVER LOOK BACK! DON'T EVER LOOK BACK!" he belted in the driver's seat next to me. I was at the level of laughing where I had tears streaming down my face, no sound was coming out so I looked like a retarted seal, and I could feel a six-pack coming on. When the song was over, You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift came on, but luckily it came on just as we pulled into the parking lot. We both unbuckled and got out of the car. The huge building had Park Hill Hospital written on the front of it.

We walked through the main entrance and up to the desk, where a lady in her mid-50s greeted us with a fake smile. "Hello love, what can I do for you?" she asked looking at me, the forced smile never leaving her face. "I have an appointment for an ultra sound under the name of Nicole Saunders." I told her, waiting for her instructions. "Okay Mrs. and Mr. Saunders, can I have you take a seat over there in the waiting room, and the doctor will be with you momentarily." she said, and I froze at her words. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders? I was about to correct her when I heard Louis speak. "Thank you m'aam." he said with a grin on his face. He put his hand on the small of my back and we walked over to the waiting room. We took a seat, and I blurted out the question I've been wondering since we were standing at the desk. "Why didn't you correct her when she called us Mr. and Mrs. Saunders?" I asked curiously. He smiled ear to ear, letting out a chuckle. "Why bother? Pretty soon we will be married the only thing I could've corrected her on was her saying Saunders instead of Tomlinson." he said, the grin on his face only getting wider with each word he spoke. All I did was sit there, smiling at him like an idiot. I was about to say something but I was cut off by a doctor. "Ms. Saunders?" a woman in her early 40s, asked looking directly at us, since we were the only ones in the waiting room. Louis and I stood up and followed her into an examination room. "My name is Doctor Sullivan." she said with a warm smile, one unlike the fake one the lady at the desk gave me. "You can take a seat up here, and lean back. Relax as best as you can." she said motioning for me to climb onto the table/seat. "Can you lift your shirt up to right above your bell button sweetie?" I did as I was told, ignoring the fact that she called me sweetie. I'm turning 18 for god's sake, I'm not that young! "This is going to be very cold, just giving you a heads up." Louis took my hand in his, giving it a squeeze. Dr. Sullivan squirted the gel onto my bare stomach, and I jumped at the coldness of it. "Ooo! It's cold!" I squeeled causing both Louis and Dr. Sullivan to let out a few giggles. She then proceeded to place an object on my stomach moving it around, as she stared at the monitor infront of us.

"There it is," she said with a smile tugging at her red lips. "There, is your baby." she pointed to a spot on the screen, it sort of resembled a peanut. "That little thing?" I asked, with a huge grin on my face. "Yes, you're only 7 weeks along so it's not very big yet. I'm going to need you to come back in about 3 weeks for another ultra sound and check up." She said while cleaning the gel off of my stomach. "I'm going to be back in London by then." I said with a worried face. "That's alright honey, you can go to your hospital for the next one." she said calmly, giving me a reassurring smile. "I'll give you two a moment alone." she said before exiting the room. Tears started to build up. "Nicki why are you crying! She just told us our baby is fine!" he said, causing me to smile. "I'm crying because I'm happy you dumby!" I said teasingly. "It sort of looks like a peanut." Louis said staring at the ultra sound picture of our child. I giggled, we think so much a like. "It's our peanut, and I love it." I said looking up at him. He pecked my lips softly and we exited the room. We waved goodbye to the lady at the desk, a fake smile still forced upon her face as we walked out of the door. I couldn't be more happy about today. I have Louis, and I have my healthy baby. What more could I need?


Tomorrow morning Lou and I were heading back to London, so we decided to spend our last night in Doncaster with Jay and the girls. We ordered take out and watched loads of movies. All in all our time spent in Doncaster was a sucess.


Hi lovies!!!! I hope you like this chapter! Isn't Louis such a good boyfriend?! Anyways, I'll be uploading tomorrow again, and it will have all of the boys in the next chapter! yayyyy.♥ Pweaseee comment/vote/fan ! And again I would like say a massive thank you to @singtomesoftly for making the AMAZING cover for this fanfic.xx

Moments Like This (Louis Tomlinson FanFic) Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now