Chapter Thirteen

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You felt an arrow through your chest. The kind of arrow that instantly kills you.

"What?? She, was, like, the best teacher ever."

"She felt that she needed to maintain a platonic relationship with every student, and she couldn't compress her feelings for you. So, she quit."

You felt the world spin around you. Vertigo?

"Mom, no! I need her! I can stop being in love with her! She's taught me more than any other teacher. We can't let her go."

Your mom shrugged.

Your dad walked into the room.

"[Y/N], if she ever comes to this house, I will call the police."

"[D/N]." Your mom calmly said.

"Yeah, what the fuck dad?"

"This is my house, and you'll live under my rules."

"Dad, what the hell do you have against Tojo? You've never even met her."

"It's for your own good. You don't need to get mixed up with people better off without you."

Your mom groaned.

Your dad realized what he said, "Honey, no, that's not what I meant."

"Just get out of my room."

And he did. So did your mom.

Now it's just you.


The next week.

You went to the grocery store with your mother. You were searching for the crackers, but couldn't find the kind that everyone liked.

"We meet again."

God fucking damn it.

"Davis, just leave me the fuck alone."

"Chill out, little girl."

He put his hands on your shoulders. You went stiff.

"You're still so tiny and naive. You have no idea what life would be like if you hooked up with me. You'd have everything.

His finger trailed down your back.

"Stop!" You yelled at him. You struggled to get out of his grip, but it was no use.

"Sir, please step away from that girl."

Davis turned around, "Who the fuck are you?"

"Kirumi Tojo. I happen to know exactly where the manager is, and he will take care of you."

Davis took his hands off you and left.

You couldn't help but go to her. You wanted to hate her, but you couldn't.

"Oh, Tojo, thank you!"

"[Y/N]? Was that you yelling?" Your mom searched for you.

"Yeah. Davis wouldn't leave me alone, but Tojo got him to go away!" You turned around to look at Kirumi, but she was gone. Your eyes sunk.

"Davis? Wasn't he your former teacher?"

"Yeah. Now he won't stop harassing me."

"Oh. Oh! I'll get that bastard incarcerated."

You laughed.

"I never found the crackers."

"We don't need them."


When you got home, it was already nighttime. Your father was asleep.

The weird part about tonight was, about a half an hour ago, your mom totally disappeared for a few minutes. She didn't say a word about where she went.

You went to your bedroom and opened up your laptop. You had a lot of notifications.

Getting up from the chair you were sitting at, you opened the curtain.

And screamed.

Kirumi was standing back to the window. As if she were waiting. You opened the window, only out of curiousity.

"What the hell? My dad said he'd call the cops if you were here."

Kirumi was about to say something, but she didn't. Instead she wrapped her arms around you and kissed your lips.

You let yourself melt.

Alright, I guess I earned this?

Kirumi let go.

"We can't do anything more than this."

You slouched.

"You must be extremely tired," She said normally.

She led you to the bed and laid down with you. You were very close to her. Even though you couldn't make out with her, just her holding you tight was enough to satisfy.


"Alright, time to wake up." Your mom entered the room. You expected her to gasp at the sight of Kirumi, but she didn't.

Kirumi got up and walked out the window without saying a word.

"Mom? What the hell just happened?"

"When I disappeared, I was talking to her. She told me how Davis has been harassing you since he was your teacher. She said it wasn't a big deal that she drove him off, but I told her she could have one last night with you. Your father doesn't know about this, though."

You covered your face with the blanket. Of course.

Your mom perked up for a moment, "Oh! But that dear friend Kaede is on the phone right now. It's so nice you're talking again."

Right. She never knew you were together.

"She's on the phone right now? Can you give it to me?"

Your mom handed you the phone and left. You wiped away the crust from your eyes.


"Uh-huh! So, do you wanna take me up on that shopping date? Everything you buy is on the house."

"Uh, sure. What time?"

"Two hours from now. Is that cool?"

"Think so."

"Awesome! See you there, Zipper Blues."

She hung up.


Author's Note

Oof I'm just copying the Trylle series now.

I feel like if I had a slogan for my page, it'd be "Everything I do and Say is A Reference."

I think the story's coming to an end???

yeha, I ran out of things to say

Dust Bunnies [AU! Kirumi Tojo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now