Chapter Twelve

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Your house was a long way away from where you were. Out of breath and clutching a Pepsi, you had no other choice than to walk.

You didn't even bother hiding from Tojo. There was no point. She was probably calling your mom, telling her where you are.

"Goddamn it!" You yelled.

Why had you even fallen in love with her?

She was my teacher. She was obviously off limits. Not to mention the fact that she's much more classy and elegant than me. She probably hates me now.

You threw yourself onto a bench and hid your eyes in your palms. You started crying.

The tears hung on the tip of your nose. Your hands smushed into your eyes.

"[Y/N]? Oh my god, it's really you! Get in here, you mess."

You looked up.

Jesus christ.

"Kaede Akamatsu?"

She was your ex girlfriend. You only broke up with her because you were moving, and couldn't handle long distance relationships. It was a mutual agreement.

"Yeah! I just started piano lessons here."

"I thought you were already the master of piano?"

"I'm learning to do the difficult stuff. Like Flight of The Bumblebee."

"Oh." She was the only reason why you knew of classical music. Clair De Lune, Moonlight Sonata, Raindrop Prelude. All that jazz.

You opened the door to her car and sat down.

"Thanks.." You wiped at your eyes and made sure your face wasn't puffy. Kaede didn't pay attention to it.

"So, do you wanna go to the mall or something? I'd die for a new pair of slippers."

You laughed.

"No, actually, I need to get back to my mom. I ran out on her again."

Kaede frowned at you, "You gotta stop doing that! Running doesn't do you any good, does it?"


She's right.

"I'll take you to your house. Cool?"

"Thanks, but, my mom's at my teacher's apartment."

"What? Is she having an affair?" She giggled slightly.

You leaned back in the chair and groaned.

"So where is it?" She smiled sweetly at you. Tojo never smiled at you like that.

"Just two blocks from my house. You can drop me off at Blooeys, it's just down the road from there."

"Alright!" She started the car and got going. 16 and already owns a brand new car. "Man, I really did miss you. Have you got a girlfriend?"

Other people would've thought she was trying to hook up again.

She was genuinely interested in knowing.

"Nah. I've been too cooped up in my house. You?"

"No, not yet. My lessons have gone so intense the past few weeks, I just don't have the time."

You watched as she popped in a CD.

"What's that?"

"You don't remember? Our first sleepover, we burnt this CD. It has a bunch of music we listened to 3 years ago."

"Oh! Yeah, I remember." It was complete with Britney Spears, No Doubt, Echosmith, and a little bit of Fall Out Boy.

The first track was Twin Skeletons.


When Kaede stopped at Blooeys, you stepped out of your stupor.

"Thanks for the ride, Piano Babe."

"Anytime, Zipper Blues."



Kirumi walked back to her apartment. Both [Y/N] and [M/N] were gone. Kirumi grabbed a broom and started sweeping a clean floor.


Your mom drove you to the house to pick up anything you couldn't live without.

When you opened the door, your dad was on the couch sobbing. Your mom, behind you, sighed.

"[M/N], please don't leave me.. You're my everything.."

You never heard your dad cry. Your mom was a sucker, so of course she caved in. They loved each other, of course, they just hit rocky roads. A lot.

I guess we're staying?

You went to your room and threw yourself onto the bed.

Is this it?

Was that the last conversation I'll ever have with Kirumi Tojo?

You heard a voice behind your door. Two voices, actually. Mom and dad.

"You think we should tell her?" Faintly, dad said.

"Yes." Mom.


There's a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" You beckoned.

"Honey, can I talk to you?"


Your mom sat down on the bed.

"Honey, Kirumi told me everything."


You felt your heart sink and your brain go into a spiral.

Today is just too much.

"Yes. Baby, is it true that you had a relationship with her?"

It was a rhetorical question. She already knew the answer, so there's no point in lying.


Your mom nodded.

"Kirumi has given up her position as your teacher."


Author's Note

I mean c'mon, we all saw that coming, right?

It's 5:30 AM and I am very tired my dude.

You know, it may be great for you that this fanfic isn't over yet, but it's not for meeeeEE!

I'm so close to being like, "Kirumi had a heart attack. That was the last you'd ever see of her," and just ending this fuckin book.

but im sure some people would be mad, so.

oKAY chapter 13-

Dust Bunnies [AU! Kirumi Tojo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now