Prologue: Too Much

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POV: RK800 #313 248 317 - 51 "Connor"

11:29, November 16th 2039.

Room 42, Dechart Apartment Complex, Detroit Michigan

A sickening thud of galvanized steel crunching against titanium alloy ricocheted against the sides of my skull. The breath drawn from my quivering lip drew me to my knees. The shivering tile embraced and shattered the outer layer of my knee. A groan erupted from deep within my core.

"Connor, for fuck's sake, watch out!" The gravely voice of a disheveled, eccentric police lieutenant reverbed against my already pounding skull.

Another rank against my chest renders my vision useless. A red tint followed by a series of glitches across everything. There is a harsh clock in the right corner of my vision. My head bobbles, and it's impossible to read the full memo.


The static bustling around the outsides of the line of vision hid Lieutenant Anderson, the deviant, and my common sense. I know what I have to do.

09:14 November 16th, 2039
Detroit Police Department, Captain Fowler's Office

"Lieutenant, ever since this robo-jesus has been persuading the realms of Detroit, the outbreaks of violent deviants have skyrocketed. They don't just want freedom anymore, they want revenge. And that's why I'm putting you on all cases, involving dangerous deviants." Captain Fowler's sunken eyes accentuated his thinning cheeks. In the year I've been working at the DPD, I have never seen the Captain in such a state.

"What? How the fuck does that make sense?! You want me to throw myself at these machines to get myself killed?! Jeffery, I am not a young man anymore! I'm old! You're going to get me fucking killed!" Hank's balled fist threw the desk into a shudder. The Captain didn't flinch, as this is something Lieutenant does frequently.

"Hank, you're the only cop with a designated android. You and the RK800 are perfectly qualified for this case." The Captain pinched the bridge of his nose, and let out a heaving sigh.

"Bullshit Fowler! Do you want me out of here so damn badly, that you keep making me deal with these fucking tin cans? I can deal with one android maximum! This one is hard enough to make sure he doesn't keep eating the fucking evidence! I can't permanently deal with this!" He pulled his hair from underneath his collar and got closer to the Captain's face.

"I am not eating the evidence, Lieutenant. When I touch the blood to my tongue, I am analyz-" I interjected, but was quickly cut off in a persuasive rage.

"Hank, you have to do this. You do this, or you hand in your badge. Here is the file on a new Deviant. It reportedly broke into the Dechart Apartment Complex on 4th avenue downtown. I will arrange for a taxi to take you down there when you have reviewed the file." The Captain shut down the Lieutenant, by dropping a file. I take a closer look.

Subject: HK 300 - 981 - 682 - 354
Case Reference: Breaking and Entering. Attack
Victim: Nayrb Dechart - Owner of Dechart Apartment Complexes
Reporting Officer: Lt. Anderson
Case Status: Open
Involving Android: Yes
The plaintiff reported her missing android after coming home from the store. An eyewitness claimed to have seen an android with a concealed weapon they believed to be gun walking up to the third floor of the Dechart Apartment Complexes, hiding an LED underneath a hat.

"I would advise getting to work as soon as you can, Lieutenant. Your job depends on it." The blood vessels in the Captain's eyes were strained and bulging. Lieutenant took his advice, and stared down the Captain as he snatched the file off of the desk, and stomped out of the room, slamming the impact-resistant glass door. I was alone with the Captain yet again. I rubbed my hands together in anticipation of what to do. I decided it would be best for me to just leave him alone.

Who Are You Really? (A Detroit: Become Human, and Jacksepticeye Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें