Chapter 2~ Just a Little Closer

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Hoi!! Sorry about not posting this sooner. I have been very busy and I hope that this makes up for it. I hope you all like this chapter!! Enjoy the meme I put in at the top as well ^ 😝

Zim's POV

The Dib-human and I went to my base after Skool so we could fix Gir.

Once we got there, we headed down to the lab and started working.

(Time skip, cause I'm lazy)
Dib's POV

I put the last part in place and pressed the button on the robots back.

He opened his 'eyes' and looked up at me with a smile.

"HI MARY!!" he yelled. I chuckled and said, "Hi Gir, you look like you seem to be working fine."

Gir nodded his head and ran over to Zim, who was putting up some tools.

Gir grabbed onto Zim's legs, making him drop the box of tools that he was holding and look down at the hyper robot.

"HI MASTAH!!" he yelled and stuck out his tongue.

To my surprise, Zim didn't yell or push him off, but smiled at him and said, "Hello Gir, it's nice to have you back."

Zim picked Gir up and moved him so that he was resting on one hip.

Neither of them had noticed my presence yet, so I took the opportunity to sneak a picture of them on my phone and save it as my background.

3rd person POV

Zim turned to Dib and noticed that he was giving them a look that he had never seen before.

"What is it Dib-human? Is there something wrong?" He asked the boy.

Dib shook his head and giggled slightly. "No, its just, well, you holding Gir like that just reminded me of how my mother used to hold me when I was younger."

Dib imagined an aggravated Zim running around his base after Irken children, trying to keep them in order.

Dib smiled at his thought, which caused the Irkin male to give the taller boy a confused look.

"What now?" Zim asked.

Dib chuckled and told the alien what he had imagined.

Zim smirked and said with a proud voice, "Zim would not let the smeets run too wild, for I am a great caretaker!!"

Dib laughed and said, "I can see a smaller version of myself running around with an alien plushie and pretending to fly in space."

Zim smiled at Dib and caused the taller male's face to turn a light pink.

"I think you would be a very protective parental unit, Dib."

Dib fake gasped in mock offence and said in a British accent, "I don't know what you speak of, sir!!"

Zim shook his head and laughed, putting the neglected robot down and watching him run off to the elevator.

Dib looked at Zim and said in a soft voice, "Do you think we could do this more?"

Zim turned towards Dib and said, "What? Like, just talk?"

Dib shook his head and answered, "No, I mean like-"

Dib was cut off as Zim's monitor turned on, showing an image of Zim's leaders on the screen.

"Oh!! My tallest!! I was not expecting a call fr-"

"Can it, Zim. You don't need to speak." Red said.

"But, my Tall-"

Purple interrupted Zim with a loud, "SHUT IT!! You have slowed us down for far too long..."

Red nodded in affirmation and said, "To make this as short as possible, Zim, you are a waste of space to the Irkin empire, and are therefore banished to Earth for life."

Neither of the leaders had seemed to notice a human in an Irkin base, and the human was starting to feel the need to make himself noticed, but kept quiet as to see how this turned out.

Dib turned to look at the small Irkin and noticed that his eyes had went wide in disbelief and denial.

Dib could see small tears forming in the Zim's eyes and the human felt his heart break at the sight.

"We are blocking all forms of communication from you, and we are self destructing your ship. Your base will be cut of power, except light and electricity. Your computer will be shut down and all memory erased as well. Good by Zim."

With that, the screen went black and a bang was heard from upstairs.

Zim turned towards the human and looked at him with tears in his eyes.


Dib gasped as the Irkin ran towards him and wrapped him in a hug, crying into his shoulder.


"Don't say anything. Just hold me..."

Dib's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the odd request, but held the Irkin tighter.

The two stood like in each others embrace until the shorter teen had gotten quiet.

Dib pulled back from the hug and saw that Zim had cried himself to sleep.

The taller male sighed and picked Zim up, carrying him upstairs and over to the couch, where he laid him down and covered him in a blanket.

Dib sat on the floor next to Zim and watched as the Irkin's chest rose and fell with his breaths.

Dib reached out towards Zim's hand that was resting on his torso and intertwined his fingers with the other's.

"I'm so sorry, If you liked me back, I would never treat you like that ever..." Dib whispered and looked down at the floor as a tear threatened to escape his eyes.

"Do you promise?"

Dib looked up and saw that Zim was awake. He felt the Irkin's hand squeeze his own, which made his cheeks turn red.

"Zim, I-I..."

Zim sat up and pulled the human's face closer to his and said, "Who ever said I didn't like you?"

"But y-you-"

"I know that we have been at each others throats for years, but I have been using that to cover up the truth."

Dib could see a dark green blush start to spread across Zim's cheeks.

"I don't know much about human affection, but I do know that I have affectionate feelings towards you, and now I know that you share those feelings."

Dib looked into the Irkin's eyes and knew that he was being truthful.

"Zim, can I try something?"

Zim hesitated, but then nodded and waited to see what Dib was planning.

Dib placed a hand on Zim's cheek, which turned a darker green, and guided their faces towards each other.

Zim's squeedlyspooch beat faster as the boy came closer, then it felt as if it was about to beat out of his chest cavity as both of the boy's lips connected.

Zim closed his eyes and melted into the sweet gesture, wrapping his arms around the humans neck, pulling them closer together.

Once they pulled apart, Dib smiled at the, now panting, alien.

They looked into each others eyes as they both said, "I love you", earning giggles from each other.

Dib promised himself at that moment, that he would protect the small Irkin and Gir at all costs.

They spent the rest of the day in each others embrace, enjoying the love that radiated from both the Irkin and human.


I hope you guys enjoyed that fluffyness X3 I will try and post some more to really get this book going. So smash that vote button and follow me if you haven't already, if you want to, and I will see all of you dudes...


Close Proximity (ZaDr)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora