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It's the end on the school year, were all heading back to our homes for summer vacation, everyone was happy to see their families again, me on the other hand want. I love Hogwarts it's like a home for me.
We all left the train and see the Weasley family all together I just gave a small smile, I looked at George who turns to see me and walks towards me, "hey" "hey" I said "is it ok if I send you letters?" I faced to him from the comment he said "I will love that" I smiled "great" he said and lower him down (he's way taller than me) and gave me a hug, I hug back and pulls away see you after summer he said and waves, I wave back, I got my stuff and walk all the way to my uncles house.
I got to the front door and luckily theirs a copy of the key under the carpet because other than that I will have to sleep outside, I entered and I see my uncles on the couch, " oh great the little witch came back" my aunt said my uncle didn't bother to say anything he just look at me and turns away to face the tv, I headed up stairs and lock the door I flop on my bed starring at the ceiling "this will be a ruth summer".
A week has past and their was nothing but chores, chores and chores, when I don't have chores to do I usually stay in my room and read and write letters every day to my friends that I been receiving too and of course a lot from George, after that talk I see George more caring and nice to me he always ask me how's my day and it almost like he's watching over me I just smile at the letters he writes me. "(Y/N)!" I heard my aunt shout from down stairs, I got up and ran downstairs "yes ma'm" "I want you to do the dishes and after that we will have guests over for dinner so I want you to stay in your room the whole night do you understand me?" "Yes ma'm I said, I walk over to the sink and begin washing the dishes.
When I almost done a put several dishes all dried up in a stack so I can put them were they belong and accidentally grabbed on the knife and cut myself and drop several dishes, a huge crash sounded and my aunt came running to the kitchen and saw all the dishes broken "you stupid little brat!" She came up to me and slap me straight on the face "go to your room!" I went up stairs and looked my door, I open my drawer and pulled out some oils and bandages to treat my cut, and decided to go to bed early and not think about eating because after that I wasn't gonna have dinner (anyways my uncles never almost feed me, I always have to sneak food to able to eat).
The next day I woke up, unlock my door, went downstairs and saw my uncles eating breakfast, "theirs you breakfast you little witch" my aunt said and sat down on the table, I was only having one butter toast and orange juice meanwhile my uncles were having pancakes, bacon, eggs and coffee. My stomach rumble while I see them eat but I can't complain "oh how I miss Hogwarts meals".
While I was drinking my juice my owl comes with a letter, I grabbed it and my uncle takes it away from me, "who is this from?" He turns it around to see "George Weasley?" He opens it and he's face turn red "oh now you came up with a boyfriend haven't you!, you little slut" "no no he's just a friend a swear" "bullshit!" He stands up rip my letter and grabs my arm so tight and to the basement and throws me their and I fall down the stairs "and you will stay down their for the rest of the summer!" I heard he slammed the door, I started to cry, "i want this to be over".
☆○o。Time Skipped Summers Over。o○☆
I'm happy to leave the hell hole and hopped on the train, I was looking for a compartment and saw Hermione, Harry and Ron, I slide the door and sat next to Hermione "hi (y/n) how was your summer?" "It was good" I said (I lied) "George was worried about you, you haven't send letters to him since the last he send you" Ron said "Merlins beard (y/n) you look so skinny, haven't you ate?" Harry said and I looked down "(y/n) is that a bruise on you leg?" Hermione said "oh that I just fell no biggie" I said, Hermione was suspicious and doesn't believe me.
☆.。.:* Hermione Pov .。.:*☆
We arrived at Hogwarts and we were about to enter and spotted Fred and George, "I'll catch up later" Harry, Ron and (y/n) nodded and left, I ran towards Fred and George "George!" "Hello Hermione" George said, I need to talk to you, will both of you "yes" they said in unison, "it's about (y/n)" George widened he's eyes "have you spoke to her?, what did she say, why didn't she write back?" George started to spat a bunch of questions one and another "slow down George, first of all I don't know why she didn't write back that's why I wanna figure it out, I think it's about the bruises she has and how skinny she is" "what!" George said "is she ok?" "George listen to me, that's why I need you two's help" "what do you need, anything!" "I want you to sneak to Snape's class room and grab a potion book and find the recipe for Veritaserum (truth serum) and hand it to me so I can make it and when it's done your gonna sneak it to one of (y/n) drinks and make it drink it and that's when we ask her questions. "You got it" they said in unison and left.

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