| |× MISSION ×|| PT 2

Start from the beginning

I look at them and they haven't seen me yet. I run up behind and take a deep breath before they notice I'm there

"Guys?!" I say

"PIETRO?!" Tony says I could see the blood boiling in his head

"Listen I know you're mad but listen I went with Peter here and then we down there and then he was behind and he vanished and now he's gone,"  I say rapidly under 5 seconds

"PETERS WHAT?!?" Tony yells in anger

"We told you to stay at the tower what were you two thinking?" Bruce steps in

I saw tony trying not to burst right now you almost see a vein bulging in his forehead. Meanwhile, Thor looks pretty confused by what is happing.

"were is wanda?" Bruce asks again

"She's in the Tower," I say quietly

"Go in the jet while we talk about this" bruce say disappointingly pointing at the jet


I watched as Pietro walked saddened by the jet. His feet were almost dragging in the ground. He looked sad but the concern was in with him as well.

I look over at Tony who almost looks like he is about to have a mental break down. You can practically see the steam out of his ears. He looks at me And I look at him back.

"Tony I suggest you calm down your anger may cloud your judgment," Thor says

"I knew what I was doing Thor, now the mission is completely at stake,"  he says calmly

"No Steve No Clint No Romanoff and now No Peter" he talks again

"We will find peter we always do," I say

" "WE" is now "us" and "us" is only me, you and Thor," Tony says

"So your saying we should give up?" I say

"NO-" Tony tries to say

"Enough we can not bicker! for what is in the past is in the past. every moment we stand is a moment wasted" Thor cuts him off

"I never asked you, PRINCESS! I am trying to solve this! But it is only us three we can't do anything right now!"

I couldn't take it! No more everybody needs to be quiet! Thor and Tony start to argue louder and louder. Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! They're trying to talk to me louder and louder no more BANNER! I... I - HULK NO LIKE STUPID FIGHTING!

"Bruce calm down"

"Bruce calm your self"


I see Banner I on the ground holding his head talking to himself. He covered his ears tightly I guess we should not have yelled...

His hand started to turn green then his whole body he grows bigger and bigger, still covering his ears

"HULK NO LIKE YELLING!!" he shouted at us as he raised his fist in the air


I don't know what happened but I wake up in a room full of workers.

I have no memory of the last te I was awake. I have my eyes closed and I'm sitting in an uncomfortable position my body feels cold and bare. I can feel something on my skin its faint though.

I open my eyes slowly. I am in a room full of worker dressed in yellow bee suits. They were all around equipment some hiding clipboards other operating machines.

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